News Releases

Dr. Julio Montaner Inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame

Vancouver, B.C. [April 23, 2015] Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) at Providence Health Care, was among a select group inducted into the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame on Thursday. He joins five other outstanding doctors who”represent Canada’s most accomplished medical innovators”.

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BC-CfE Recognized with LifeSciences BC Award

Vancouver, B.C. [April 16, 2015] The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) was honoured on Thursday at the 17th Annual LifeSciences BC Awards for their accomplishments advancing science to treat and prevent HIV and AIDS in British Columbia and around the world.

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World AIDS Day

Videos World AIDS Day message from Dr. Julio Montaner The Latest News on Treatment as Prevention¨ Blog: On World AIDS Day, Continued Research on HIV Remains Imperative B.C. Government Recognizes BC-CfE Director Dr. Julio Montaner for Leadership in the Field of HIV and AIDS Brazil’s ambitious HIV treatment plan based on Canadian concept October, 2014,

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B.C. Government Recognizes BC-CfE Director Dr. Julio Montaner for Leadership in the Field of HIV and AIDS

Vancouver, BC [November 26, 2014] In an event today in advance of World AIDS Day, on behalf of the Government of B.C., Minister of Health Terry Lake recognized the ongoing and lifelong leadership of Dr. Julio Montaner, director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE), towards eliminating HIV and AIDS. As a result of the province-wide implementation of the Treatment as Prevention¨ (TasP¨) strategy – pioneered by Dr. Montaner – B.C. is the only province in Canada consistently seeing a decline in new HIV infections while HIV infections continue to increase nationally.

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Bill C-36 Blatantly Disregards Evidence-Based Research on Grave Impacts of Criminalization of Sex Work on Sex Workers’ Health, Safety and Human Rights

Vancouver, BC [November 6, 2014] A federal bill was signed into law today further criminalizing sex work, including the purchasing of sex and third parties, with grave consequences for the health, safety and human rights of the country’s sex workers, say researchers from the Gender and Sexual Health Initiative (GSHI) of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE).

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Health research team awarded $2.7M for major study on HIV and aging

VANCOUVER – Dr. Robert Hogg, research scientist with the British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and professor in the faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University, and a team of investigators from across the country have been awarded a $2.7M grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to expand Canada’s only longitudinal study of more than 10,000 HIV-positive individuals accessing antiretroviral therapy in Canada.

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IAS Key Affected Populations Advisory Group, including Dr. Kate Shannon, release IAS White Paper at AIDS 2014 on Maximizing the benefits for ART for key populations

At the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) in Melbourne, Australia, The KAPs Advisory Group and TasP¨ Advisory Group collaborated to produce three important publications, released at AIDS 2014: a White Paper entitled ‘Maximizing the benefits for Antiretroviral therapy for key affected populations’

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Statement of Condolence on the tragic crash of flight MH17 and loss of Dr. Joep Lange

The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is shocked and saddened at the tragic news of the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, we offer our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends whose loved ones died on this flight. We are particularily stricken by the loss of our friend and colleague, Dutch HIV and AIDS Scientist Dr. Joep Lange and other attendees to the International AIDS Society’s 20th Annual conference in Melbourne, Australia

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Physicians Struggle to Clinically Diagnose Early HIV-Infection Journal of the American Medical Association study reveals early detection is easily missed

Vancouver, BC [July 15, 2014] – In the run up to the 20th International AIDS Conference, North America’s HIV/AIDS research experts say, despite the belief that early HIV infection presents with a well recognized flu-like syndrome, most physicians are unable to use clinical skills to differentiate those who should and should not be tested for

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