IAS Key Affected Populations Advisory Group, including Dr. Kate Shannon, release IAS White Paper at AIDS 2014 on Maximizing the benefits for ART for key populations

At the 20th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2014) in Melbourne, Australia, The KAPs Advisory Group and TasP¨ Advisory Group collaborated to produce three important publications, released at AIDS 2014: a White Paper entitled ‘Maximizing the benefits for Antiretroviral therapy for key affected populations’; a ‘Guidance Note’ for HIV healthcare providers on the use of antiretrovirals for prevention; and a ‘Code of Conduct for HIV and Healthcare Professionals’. A shorter version of the White Paper was also published online, as a Commentary in the Journal of the International AIDS Society (JIAS).

GSHI’s Director Dr. Kate Shannon is a member of the KAPs Working Group that worked on the White Paper, while the Guidance Note and Code of Conduct were a result of the efforts of the TasP¨ Advisory group, with input from the KAPs Advisory Group. These publications form part of the IAS ‘Nobody Left Behind’ campaign, which”aims to inform society that people living with HIV and the populations at highest risk (KAPs) of becoming infected with HIV are sadly those still beyond the reach of traditional health services.”

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