TitleDateDescriptionVideo Category/Event
39821-1OHAfrica: A Canadian/Lesotho HIV Clinic2009-01-08Dr. Susan Ackland Immunodeficency Clinic St. Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
39821-2Research Activities in Low- and Middle-income Countries2009-01-08Dr. David Moore Research Scientist BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assistant Professor Division of AIDS, Faculty of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
39836-3Initiating HAART in 20092009-01-23Dr Julio Montaner Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor of Medicine and Chair, AIDS Research Providence Health Care-University of British Columbia President, International AIDS SocietyAIDS Care Rounds
39848-4Mathematical Modelling of the Spread of HIV Among Injection Drug Users2009-02-04Krisztina VasarhelyiForefront Lectures
39856-5NAOMI: Primary Outcomes2009-02-12Dr David MarshAIDS Care Rounds
39958-6Aboriginal Issues in HIV2009-05-25Charlotte Reading Centre for Aboriginal Health Research University of VictoriaHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-7Case Presentation 12009-05-25Marianne Harris BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-8Case Presentation 22009-05-25Sue BurgessHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-9HIV and the Lung2009-05-25Peter Phillips Infectious Diseases BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-10HIV Management and Pregnancy2009-05-25Deborah Money Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, UBC Executive Director, Women's Health Research InstituteHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-11HIV Resistance and Laboratory Testing Update2009-05-25Richard Harrigan Director Research Laboratory BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-12HIV/AIDS and Injection Drug Use: Opportunities for Intervention2009-05-25Thomas Kerr Director, Urban Health Research Initiative BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Dept. of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-13HIV/Hepatitiis C Co-infection2009-05-25Mark Hull BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-14How to Use the Newer Antiretroviral Drugs2009-05-25Roy Gulick Professor of Medicine Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases Weill Cornell Medical College New York CityHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-15Introduction and Opening Remarks2009-05-25Ms Dianne DoyleHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-16Key Emerging Issues - When and How to Start?2009-05-25Dr Julio Montaner Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor of Medicine and Chair, AIDS Research Providence Health Care-University of British Columbia President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-17naomi (North American Opiate Medicaiton Initiative) Primary Outcome Results2009-05-25David Marsh Vancouver Coastal HealthHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-18Update: Antiretroviral Agents in the Pipeline2009-05-25Roy Gulick Professor of Medicine Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases Weill Cornell Medical College New York CityHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39958-19Women and HIV: Social and Structural Drivers and the Street-Based Sex Industry2009-05-25Kate Shannon Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assitant Professor, Division of AIDS, Dept of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - May 2009
39966-20HIV Testing2009-06-02Daphne Spencer Division of STI/HIV BCCDCUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
39967-21Addiction Treatment in Canada from a Systems Perspective2009-06-03David C. Marsh MD, CCSAM, ASAM, ISAMUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
39969-22The Global HIV/AIDS Pandemic2009-06-05Mark Tyndall MD, ScD, FRCPC University of British Columbia BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
39972-23What you need to know about the HIV Metabolic Syndrome2009-06-08Dr. Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPC IDC Metabolic Clinic and Healthy Heart Program St. Paul's Hospital, VancouverUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
39973-24HIV is Hyper-Endemic among Gay Men in San Francisco2009-06-09Willi McFarland, MD, PhD, MPH&TM San Francisco Department of Public Health University of California, San FranciscoForefront Lectures
39975-25HIV and the Lung2009-06-11Peter Phillips MD, FRCPC Infectious Diseases and HIV Program St. Paul's Hospital, VancouverAIDS Care Rounds
39976-26HIV Antiretroviral Therapy2009-06-12Linda Akagi St Paul's Hospital Pharmacy BC Centre for Excellence (BC CfE) in HIV/AIDSUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
40066-27Will the use of sub-standard antiretroviral regimens in Africa lead to widespread drug resistance?2009-09-10Mark A. Wainberg McGill University AIDS Centre Jewish General Hospital Montreal, Quebec, CanadaAIDS Care Rounds
40121-28Smoking of Crack Cocaine as a Risk Factor for HIV Infection2009-11-04Kora DeBeck BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
40133-29AIDS Response at a Turning Point?2009-11-16Robin Gorna Executive Director International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-30HIV and Human Security2009-11-16Prof. Dennis Altman AM Institute for Human Security La Trobe University VIC. AustraliaHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-31HIV and Tuberculosis2009-11-16Robin Wood Desmond Tutu HIV Centre University of Cape TownHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-32HIV, a discovery highlighting the global benefit of translational research2009-11-16Françoise Barré-Sinoussi Regulation of Retroviral Infections Unit, Department of Virology, Institut Pasteur, Paris FranceHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-33Introduction and Opening Remarks2009-11-16Dr Julio Montaner Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor of Medicine and Chair, AIDS Research Providence Health Care-University of British Columbia President, International AIDS Society Ms Dianne Doyle President and Chief Executive Officer Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-34Management of Highly Treatment-Experienced Patients and New Drugs2009-11-16Anton Pozniak MD FRCP Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London, UKHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-35Roll out of ARV therapy in Africa2009-11-16Elly T Katabira, FRCP Department of Medicine Makerere University Colledge of Health SciencesHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-36The Evolving HIV Epidemic2009-11-16Chris Beyrer MD, MPH Professor of Epidemiology and International Health John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-37Treatment as Prevention2009-11-16Dr Julio Montaner Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor of Medicine and Chair, AIDS Research Providence Health Care-University of British Columbia President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40133-38When & How to Start ARV Therapy2009-11-16Pedro Cahn Chief, Infectious Diseases Unit, Juan A Fernandez Hospital Assistant Professor, Infectious Diseases, Bueno Aires UMS Past President, IASHIV/ARV Update - November 2009
40137-39The HIV Epidemic in Southern Africa - Provenance and Prospects2009-11-20John Hargrove South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and AnalysisForefront Lectures
40150-40Rapid Point of Care HIV Tests: Possibilities & Limitations2009-12-03Dr Michael O'Shaughnessy OBC, PhDChief Science OfficerAIDS Care Rounds
40162-41Preparedness for candidate hepatitis C vaccine trials in people who inject drugs: Challenges & opportunities2009-12-15Prof. Lisa Maher on behalf of the UNSW HCV Vaccine InitiativeForefront Lectures
40164-42HIV & Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Who's Causing What?2009-12-17Robert D. Levy, MD, FRCPCProf. of Medicine, Repsiratory Division, UBCCo-Director, Pulmonary Hypertension Program,VGHMedical Director, Lung Transplant Program, BCTransplantAIDS Care Rounds
40184-43Spin, Rhetoric, & Propaganda: 6th International Congress on Peer Review2010-01-06Dr. Marianne Harris BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS St Paul's HospitalForefront Lectures
40192-44HIV/AIDS Psychiatry: A Review of Syndromes & Treatment2010-01-14Stephen J. Fitzpatrick MD, FRCPCConsultation-Liaison PsychiatrySt Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BCUBC: N443 HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care (Formerly N410M)
40192-45HIV/AIDS Psychiatry: A Review of Syndromes & Treatment2010-01-14Stephen J. Fitzpatrick MD, FRCPCConsultation-Liaison PsychiatrySt Paul's Hospital, Vancouver, BCAIDS Care Rounds
40206-46The State of Test & Treat in Washington DC2010-01-28Richard Elion MDDirector of ResearchWhitman Walker ClinicAssociate Clinical Professor of MedicineGWU School of MedicineAIDS Care Rounds
40219-47Novel Immunogens in HIV-1 Revealed Through Escape Mapping2010-02-10Zabrina Brumme, Ph.D Assistant Professor Faculty of Health Sciences Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
40231-48Stopping HIV2010-02-22Brian WilliamsChair, Board of TrusteesSouth African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and AnalysisStellenbosch & the World Health OrganizationStop TB Department, GenevaForefront Lectures
40232-49Monitoring ART in low-income countries: What we know and what we need to know2010-02-23Dr David M MooreResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Professor, Division of AIDS, Faculty of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
40234-50Addiction: Conflict Between Brain Circuits2010-02-25Nora D Volkow MDDirector, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of HealthForefront Lectures
40235-51AIDS Out of Isolation2010-02-26Michel Sidibé Executive Director of UNAIDS, Under Secretary-General of The United NationsThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-52Closing Remarks; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Honourable Ida Chong Minister of Healthy Living & SportThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-53HIV/AIDS Prevention - A Challenge of Olympian Proportions2010-02-26Stefano M Bertozzi HIV Director, Global Health Program, Bill & Melinda Gates FoundationThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-54Innovation in HIV-1 Drug Discovery: From Basic Science to the Clinic2010-02-26Daria Hazuda Merck Research Labs, West Point, PAThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-55Introduction; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Dr. John Hepburn Vice President of Research, UBCThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-56Introduction; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Dr. Gavin Stuart Dean of Faculty of Medicine, UBCThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-57Opening Address; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Honourable Kevin Falcon Minister of Health ServicesProvince of British ColumbiaThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-58Opening Remarks; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Tommy Sithole Director of International Cooperation & Development, International Olympic CommitteeThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-59The Global HIV Response: a foundation for integrated, cost effective delivery of health services2010-02-26Honourable Mark Dybul Co-Director, Global Health Centre, O'Neill Institute for National & Global Health Law, Georgetown University & Global Health Fellow, The George W Bush InstituteThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-60Two Decades of Progress in Antiretroviral Therapy2010-02-26Julio Montaner MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Providence Health Care Professor of Medicine and Head, Division of AIDS, UBC President, International AIDS SocietyThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-61Understanding Drug Abuse & Addiction2010-02-26Nora D. Volkow, MD Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of HealthThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40235-62Welcoming Remarks; Global Summit on HIV/AIDS2010-02-26Karimah Es Sabar President, LifeSciences BC Gail Sparrow Former Musqueam Chief, VancouverThe Global Summit on HIV/AIDS (Feb 26, 2010)
40262-63Influenza, pH1N1 and HIV: Any overlap?2010-03-25Dr. Mark HullBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40276-64Vancouver Native Health Society: Creating a Circle of Care2010-04-08Doreen Littlejohn, RNProgram Coordinator, Vancouver Native Health SocietyAIDS Care Rounds
40290-65Sex Work, Policy & HIV: Opportunities & Challenges2010-04-22Kate Shannon PhD, MPHAssistant Professor, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40303-66Investigating the impact of expanding access to ARV therapy on reproductive decision-making, behaviours, and outcomes of women in HIV hyper-endemic settings of sub-Saharan Africa2010-05-05Angela KaidaPost-doctoral FellowWomen's Health Research Institute, University of British ColumbiaForefront Lectures
40304-67Poisons, Pills and Patient Safety: Toxicology for HIV Care Providers2010-05-06Katherine Lepik, MSc, RPhBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSResearch Coordinator, Pharmacovigilance ProgramSt Paul’s Hospital Pharmacy DepartmentAIDS Care Rounds
40318-68HIV & Hypophosphatemia2010-05-20Dr Ronald WerbNephrologist & Internal Medicine, Clinical Professor of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
40331-69Beyond Disorder, Danger, Incompetence & Ignorance: Re-thinking the Youthful Subject of Alcohol & Other Drug Policy2010-06-02David MooreAssociate Professor, National Drug Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Melbourne, AustraliaForefront Lectures
40340-70A Model for Collaborative Learning & Improvement2010-06-11Clemens Steinbock MBADirector, National Quality Center, New York State Department of HealthHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-71Antiretroviral Therapy: New Drugs2010-06-11Judith S. Currier MDProfessor of MedicineChief, Divison of Infectious Diseases, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, LAHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-72HIV and Aging2010-06-11Judith S. Currier MDProfessor of MedicineChief, Divison of Infectious Diseases, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, LAHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-73HIV Reservoirs & Prospects for Eradication2010-06-11Zabrina Brumme PhDAssistant Professor, Simon Fraser UniversityAssociate Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-74Interpretation of CRP & Other Inflammatory Markers in HIV2010-06-11Greg Bondy MD, FRCPCSt Paul's Hospital, VancouverHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-75Mens Health Initiative of BC: Introduction & Overview2010-06-11Larry Goldenberg CM, OBC, MDProfessor & Head, Department of Urological Sciences, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-76STOP HIV/AIDS2010-06-11Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPCAssistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Medical Director, HIV/AIDS Program Providence Health CareAdjunct Professor, School of Population & Health, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-77TB and HIV2010-06-11Peter Phillips MD, FRCPCInfectious Diseases & HIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's Hospital, VancouverHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-78Treatment as Prevention: A Made in Canada Strategy to STOP HIV & AIDS2010-06-11Julio Montaner MD, FRCPC, FCCP, FACP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, UBCPresident, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40340-79Update on Community-Acquired MSRA2010-06-11Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCClinical Assistant Professor, Division of HIV/AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40347-80Addiction & HIV2010-06-18David C Marsh MD, CCSAM, ASAM, ISAMMedical Director, Addiction, HIV/AIDS & Aboriginal Health Services, Vancouver Coastal Health AuthorityPhysician Leader, Addiction Medicine, Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - June 11, 2010
40429-81The Impact of Host Immunity on HIV-1 Fitness: Implications for Vaccine Design2010-09-08Mark A Brockman, PhDAssociate Professor, Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, Simon Fraser UniversityAssociate Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
40430-82Mental Health Changes in HIV2010-09-09Dr Adriana Carvalhal, MD, MSc, PhDAssistant ProfessorMedical Director Consultation-Liason Psychiatry Service,Department of Psyhiatry & Behavioural Neuroscience,McMaster University - Hamilton ONTAIDS Care Rounds
40457-83HIV/AIDS Risk & Worry in Northern Kenya2010-10-06Eric RothDepartment of Anthropology, University of VictoriaForefront Lectures
40458-84HIV and Aging2010-10-07Marianne HarrisClinical Research AdvisorBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40465-85Highlights of XVIII International AIDS Conference2010-10-14Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyPost International AIDS Conference (2010)
40473-86The Blood and Plasma Trade: Its role in the HIV/AIDS Epidemic2010-10-22Patricia Volkow, MDInfectious Disease SpecialistNational Cancer InstituteMexico City, MexicoForefront Lectures
40485-87Vancouver @ Home Project2010-11-03Julian M SomersAssociate ProfessorFaculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
40486-88IDC: First Contact Visit2010-11-04Nancy Chow, RN, BSNRachelle Funaro, RN, BSNBrynn Laurillard, RN, BSNJohn Ruedy Immodeficiency Clinic (IDC)AIDS Care Rounds
40499-89Understanding and Improving Health Outcomes for Ex-prisoners2010-11-17Dr Stuart KinnerHead, Justice Health Research, Centre for Population HealthBurnet Institute, Melbourne AustraliaForefront Lectures
40500-90Tuberculosis and HIV2010-11-18Peter Phillips MD, FRCPCInfectious Diseases & HIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's Hospital, VancouverAIDS Care Rounds
40513-91Gay Men and HIV : Findings from the Vancouver ManCount Survey2010-12-01Dr Mark GilbertPhysician Epidemiologist, BC Centre for Disease Control, Division of STI/HIV Prevention & ControlAssistant Professor, School of Population & Public Health, UBCForefront Lectures
40515-92Antiretroviral Treatment of Adult HIV Infection: 2010 Recommendations of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS2010-12-03Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-93Common Drug Interactions with Antiretroviral Agents2010-12-03Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCClinical Assistant Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-94Current Concepts of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND)2010-12-03Ging-Yuek Robin Hsuing MD, MHSc, FRCPCDivison of Neurology, Department of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-95HIV and Community-acquired Pneumonia (CAP)2010-12-03Peter Phillips MD, FRCPCInfectious Diseases & HIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's Hospital, VancouverHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-96HIV Immunology: Lessons from Spontaneous Controllers2010-12-03Mark A Brockman PhDAssociate Professor, Simon Frasor UniversityAssociate Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-97HIV Infection in BC Women: A 20 Year Perspective2010-12-03David Burdge MDCo-Medical Director, Oak Tree ClinicClinical Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, UBCHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-98HIV Treatment & Related Challenges Among Injection Drug Users2010-12-03Evan Wood MD, PhDCo-Director, Addiction and Urban Health Research Initiative (UHRI)BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-99Metabolic Complications of HIV: Bone Disease2010-12-03Dr. Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPC IDC Metabolic Clinic and Healthy Heart Program St. Paul's Hospital, VancouverHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-100Non-Infectious Respitory Issues in HIV2010-12-03Don D Sin MDCanadian Research Chair in Chronic Obstructive Lung DiseaseAssociate Professor, Department of Medicine, UBCJames Hogg iCAPTURE, Centre for Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Research, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-101PrEP: Ideal Characteristics of an Oral HIV Preventive Agent2010-12-03Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyPlease Note: Val Montessori was unable to appear for her scheduled talk and Julio Montaner presented this talk in its place.HIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40515-102STOP HIV/AIDS Update for Vancouver2010-12-03Réka Gustafson MD, FRCPCMedical Health Officer and Medical Director of Communicable Disease ControlHIV/ARV Update - December 3, 2010
40527-103Positive Spaces, Healthy Places: Influencing Housing Services and Polices for People Living with HIV in Ontario2010-12-15Sean B Rourke PhDDirector, CIHR Centre for REACH in HIV/AIDS & Universities without WallsScientific & Executive Director, Ontario HIV Treatment NetworkAssociate Professor of Psychiatry, University of TorontoScientist, St Michael's Hospital Keenan Research CentreForefront Lectures
40528-104Seek and Treat for Optimum Prevention of HIV/AIDS Update for Vancouver2010-12-16Réka Gustafson MD, FRCPCMedical Health Officer and Medical Director of Communicable Disease ControlAIDS Care Rounds
40554-105Structured Learning Collaborative: January 11, 2011 Teleconference (Recording)2011-01-11
40556-106Diagnosis and Management of HIV-Associated Neurocognitive Disorder (HAND)2011-01-13Ging-Yuek Robin Hsiung MD, MHSc, FRCPCDivison of Neurology, Department of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
40556-107Structured Learning Collaborative QI Coach’s Teleconference2011-01-13
40557-108Structured Learning Collaborative: January 13, 2011 Teleconference (Recording)2011-01-14
40562-109January 19, 2011: Pre Learning Session Coaching Call2011-01-19
40576-110Clinical Diagnostics: Little Changes Can Make a Big Difference2011-02-02Richard HarriganDirector, Research LabsBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
40584-111Update on HIV Testing2011-02-10Dr Mark Gilbert MD, MHSc, FRCPCBC Centre for Disease Control, Division of STI/HIV Prevention & ControlAIDS Care Rounds
40598-112Housing, Health & HIV2011-02-24Miranda Compton, MSWVancouver Coastal HealthAIDS Care Rounds
40626-113Changing the World of HIV/AIDS Care2011-03-24Rosalind Baltzer TurjeDirector of OperationsDr Peter CentreAIDS Care Rounds
40640-114Psychiatric Issues in HIV+ Individuals2011-04-07Leona Adams, MD, FRCPCConsulting Psychiatrist, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
40646-115Finding the Roots of HIV: A Gentle Introduction to Ancestral Population Genetics2011-04-13Art Poon, PhDAssociate Research Scientist (Bioinformatics)BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
40654-116HIV Primary Care Guidelines2011-04-21Rolando Barrios, MD, FRCPCSilvia Guillemi, MDAida Sadr, MD, CCFPPeter Phillips, MD, FRCPCAIDS Care Rounds
40667-117Two Decades of Community-Based Research with Injection Drug Users in the San Francisco Bay Area2011-05-04Dr Alex KralDirector, Urban Health Program, RTI InternationalAssociate Adjucnct Professor of Epidemiology, Department of Community Medicine, UCSFForefront Lectures
40682-118Post Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Infection2011-05-19Linda Akagi St Paul's Hospital Pharmacy BC Centre for Excellence (BC CfE) in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40695-119When work is more than a job: Predicting employment and its impacts among people who inject drugs.2011-06-01Lindsey RichardsonDoctoral Candidate, Department of Sociology, University of Oxford & Nuffield CollegeForefront Lectures
40696-120Nurse Practioners in HIV Care2011-06-02Monica Gregory, Nurse Practioner, BSN, BSc(Pmcol), MSN, AAHIVSDowntown Eastside Clinical Housing TeamAIDS Care Rounds
40710-121Coronary Heart Disease in HIV: Risk, Subclinical Detection & Treatment2011-06-16Robert Boone, MD, MSc(Epi), FRCPCInterventional Cardiology, St Paul's HospitalAssistant Clinical Professor, UBCResearch Fellow, Cardiac Services BCAIDS Care Rounds
40714-122Addiction, mental illness, & viral infection in an urban population - the Hotel Study2011-06-20William MacEwanClinical Associate Professor,  Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, St Pauls Hospital William HonerProfessor, Psychiatry Faculty of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-123Bone Disease in HIV Infection2011-06-20Pablo Tebas, MD University of PennsylvaniaHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-124Care of Women with HIV2011-06-20Neora PickOak Tree ClinicAssociate Professor, Division of Infectious Disease, Dept of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-125Gene Therapy Approaches to Treat HIV Infection2011-06-20Pablo Tebas, MDUniversity of PennsylvaniaHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-126Hematological Complications in HIV2011-06-20Heather Leitch, MD, PhDHematologist, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency ClinicHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-127HIV and Aging2011-06-20Dr Marianne HarrisClinical Research Advisor, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-128HIV Primary Care Guideline2011-06-20Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPCAssistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSSenior Medical Director, Vancouver Community HealthServices, VCHAdjunct Professor, School of Population & Public Health, UBCHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-129Patient Assessment for Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy2011-06-20Silvia A Guillemi, MDDirector of Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-130Post-Exposure Prophylaxis2011-06-20Val Montessori, MD, FRCPCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-131Primary Care Guideline: Prevention of Opportunistic Infections2011-06-20Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPInfectious Diseases, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-132Treatment as Prevention Emerging New Data2011-06-20Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40714-133Update on HIV Testing2011-06-20Mark Gilbert, MD, MHSc, FRCPCClinical Prevention Services DivisionBC Centre for Disease ControlHIV/ARV Update - June 20, 2011
40724-134Evidence from the iPrEx Study: Should it be considered in BC2011-06-30Viviane D Lima, PhDSenior Statistician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40746-135CBC's The National Highlights "Treatment as Prevention" at IAS2011-07-22In this story by CBC's The National, Dr. Julio Montaner discusses how "Treatment as Prevention" provides a unique opportunity for stopping the spread of HIV altogether. The story also highlights a presentation by Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, in which he gives credit to Dr. Montaner for his research into "Treatment as Prevention", stating that "now we have absolute confirmed data that (Dr. Montaner) was right all along."
40752-136NIAID Director Credits Dr. Montaner on "Treatment as Prevention"2011-07-28Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of NIAID credits Dr. Montaner for the novel "Treatment as Prevention" strategy at the 2011 IAS Conference in Rome.Watch the Video
40794-137The VCH STOP Outreach Team - Who are they and what do they do?2011-09-08David Tu, MD, CCFPClinical Associate, St Paul's Hospital HIVAIDS Care Rounds
40802-138Safe Sex in Unsafe Spaces: Negotiating the sex work risk environment in Phnom Penh, Cambodia2011-09-16Lisa Maher, PhDProgram Head & NHMRC Senior Research FellowViral Hepatitis Epidemiology & Prevention ProgramKirby Institute, University of New South Wales, SydneyForefront Lectures
40821-139Injection Drug Use & Drug Related Harm in Vancouver: Finding From A Program of Qualitative Researc2011-10-05Will Small, PhDQualitative Research Program Coordinator, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSPost Doctoral Fellow, Department of Medicine, UBCCIHR & MSFHR Post Doctoral FellowForefront Lectures
40822-140Hepatitis C Therapy - The Future Is Now2011-10-06Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
40836-141Managing the Metabolic Complications of HIV2011-10-20Dr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS / IDC ClinicHealthy Heart Program, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
40850-142Approach to HIV in Pregnancy2011-11-03Deborah Money, MD FRCSCProfessor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Medicine and SPPH, UBCVice President, Research, BC Women's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
40864-143HIV and Renal Disease2011-11-17Dr R WerbClinical Professor of Medicine, UBCStaff Nephrologist, SPH/PHCAIDS Care Rounds
40872-144Anal Dysplasia and HPV Vaccines2011-11-25Natasha PressDivision of Infectious Diseases, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-145Emerging Issues in ART2011-11-25Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-146Hepatitis C: Update on New Therapies2011-11-25Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-147Managing the Metabolic Complications of HIV2011-11-25Dr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS / IDC ClinicHealthy Heart Program, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-148Normalizing HIV Testing2011-11-25Réka Gustafson MD, FRCPCMedical Health Officer and Medical Director of Communicable Disease ControlHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-149Relevance of Opportunistic Infections in the Expansion of HAART Era2011-11-25Peter Phillips MD, FRCPCInfectious Diseases & HIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's Hospital, VancouverHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-150STOP HIV/AIDS VCH Update2011-11-25Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPCSenior Medical Director, Vancouver Community Health Services, VCHHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-151Treatment Guidelines in Initial HAART Therapy: Trends and Impacts on AIDS and Mortality in BC2011-11-25Richard HarriganDirector, Research LabsBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40872-152Vitamin D in HIV Patients2011-11-25Melodie Yong, RDSt Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 25, 2011
40878-153Specialised Testing to Improve HIV Care2011-12-01Richard HarriganDirector, Research LabsBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
40891-154ART Program Design in Low-income Countries: Implications for ART as Prevention2011-12-14Dr David M MooreResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Professor, Division of AIDS, Faculty of Medicine, UBCForefront Lectures
40892-155IDC Mental Health Team : Referral and Intake Process2011-12-15Mental Health TeamJohn Reudy Immunodeficiency Clinic St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
40920-156HIV Routine Testing in Acute Care | STOP HIV/AIDS Pilot: HIV Testing in Community Settings2012-01-12Afshan NathooProject Lead, HIV Acute Care Testing, PHC/VCHAdjunct Professor, University of British ColumbiaMeaghan Thumath, BSN, MPH, RNClinical Practice Lead HIV/AIDSAdjunct Professor, University of British ColumbiaAIDS Care Rounds
40934-157Positive Health Services Clinic : Jim PAttison Care and Surgery Centre, Surrey2012-01-26Sangita Malhotra, MD FRCPCShayla Metcalfe, Program Coordinator, PHSAIDS Care Rounds
40947-158Mapping the landscape of host-pathogen co-evolution through the prism of HLA class I-peptide interactions2012-02-08Tomer HertzVaccine and Infectious Disease DivisionFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterForefront Lectures
40948-159What is the role of the advance care planning in HIV/AIDS?2012-02-09Dr Dave Unger, HIV/AIDS Clinical AssociateWallace Robinson RSW, ACP Implementation Project LeaderAIDS Care Rounds
40954-160Prevention and Management of Hepatitis C in People Who Inject Drugs2012-02-15Jason Grebely, PhDSenior Lecturer, Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research Program, Kirby Institute for Infection & Immunity in SocietyUniversity of New South WalesForefront Lectures
40959-161Challenges and Opportunities for HIV Prevention and Treatment Among IDU2012-02-20Evan Wood MD, PhD, ABIM, FRCPCDirector, Addiction and Urban Health Research Initiative (UHRI)BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSProfessor, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-162Comprehensive Approaches for HIV/AIDS Control in China2012-02-20Yiming Shao, MD, PhDNational Center for AIDS/STD Prevention and Control,Chinese Center for Disease Control and PreventionHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-163Control of HIV/AIDS in India: Challenges in the IDU/Indigenous Communities of the Northeast States2012-02-20John D O'Neil, PhDProfessor and Dean, Simon Fraser UniversityHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-164Drugs and HIV: Not Just Intravenous Injection2012-02-20Nora D. Volkow, MD Director, National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institutes of HealthHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-165Incorporating ART in Combination HIV Prevention for IDUs: Overcoming the Barriers2012-02-20Steffanie A Strathdee, PhD Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences Harold Simon Professor and Chief, Division of Global Public Health University of California San DiegoHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-166New Strategies in Prevention and Control of HIV/AIDS2012-02-20Richard Lester, MD FRCPCBC CDC and University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-167The Evolution and Results of Uganda's HIV/AIDS Policies2012-02-20N. SewankamboMakerere University College of Health SciencesHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-168Treatment as Prevention: HAART Expansion - A Powerful Strategy to Reduce AIDS Morbidity & Mortality & HIV Incidence2012-02-20Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS at University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40959-169Update and Lessons Learned From the Implentation of Seek & Treet Initiative in VCH2012-02-20Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPCAssistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSSenior Medical Director, Vancouver Community HealthServices, VCHAdjunct Professor, School of Population & Public Health, UBCHIV/ARV Update - February 20, 2012
40968-170HIV Vaccines: The State of the Field2012-02-29Stephen De Rosa, MDFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CentreUniversity of Washington,HIV Vaccine Trials NetworkForefront Lectures
40976-171Access to HIV Treatment and Care in First Nations Communities in BC2012-03-08Denise Thomas, RN - Communicable Disease Control Coordinator, HIV/AIDS; Marlene Hoover, RN - Clinical Nurse Specialist, Public HealthAIDS Care Rounds
40977-172HIV Molecular Epidemiology and HLA-mediated Evolution in the Mesoamerican Region2012-03-09Dr Santiago Avila RíosCentro de Investigación en Enfermedades InfecciosasForefront Lectures
40989-173The Orphaned and Separated Children's Assessments Related to their (OSCAR's) Health and Well-Being Study2012-03-21Paula Braitstein, PhDAssistant Research Professor, Indiana University School of MedicineAssistant Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public HealthCo-Field Director of Research, Eldoret, KenyaForefront Lectures
41004-174Surviving HIV: Addressing the Needs of Older Patients2012-04-05Dr Calvin Cohen, MD, MSCDirector of Research, Community Research Initiative of New EnglandAIDS Care Rounds
41012-175A Plague of Prisons: The Epidemiology of Mass Incarceration in America2012-04-13Dr Ernest Drucker,Professor Emeritus, Department of Family and Social Medicine, Montefiore Medical CenterAdjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Columbia University's Mailman School of Public HealthSenior Research Associate and Scholar in Residence, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, The City University of New YorkForefront Lectures
41018-176HIV Occupational and Non-Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis2012-04-19Dr Val Montessori, MD, FRCPCClinical Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, UBC; AIDS Research Program, BC-CfEAIDS Care Rounds
41025-177Scale-up and Decentralization of HIV Treatment in Yunnan China2012-04-26Joseph Harwell, MD, FIDSA, FAAPAsia Regional Clinical OfficerClintion Health Access InitiativeAssociate Professor of Medicine and PediatricsThe Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown UniversityForefront Lectures
41046-178mHealth for Global HIV/AIDS Control: A new strategy for engagement in care2012-05-17Richard Lester, MD, FRCPCMedical Head, STI/HIV Control, BCCDCAssistant Clinical Professor, Deptment of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
41053-179HIV therapy- The Near Future? Will it lead to Long Term Success2012-05-24Anton Pozniak, MD, FRCPDirector of HIV Services, Chelsea and Westminster Hospital, London, UKAIDS Care Rounds
41060-180Delivering Care to the MSM Population: a perspective from Spectrum Health2012-05-31Dr. Tinus Wasserfall - Spectrum Health Care, Vancouver, BC; Dr. Joss de Wet - Spectrum Health Care, Vancouver, BCAIDS Care Rounds
41078-181HIV Vaccine Research in South Africa: preparing for phase IIb/III trials2012-06-18Glenda GrayPerinatal HIV Research UnitSoweto, Johnannesburg, South AfricaForefront Lectures
41088-182Peer Navigators in HIV Care2012-06-28Glen Bradford, Peer Navigation Coordinator, Positive Living BCMary Petty, Social Worker, St Paul's Hospital HIV ProgramAIDS Care Rounds
41172-183HIV and Aging: Myth or Reality? Highlights: 14th Conference on Co-morbities and Adverse Drug Reactions2012-09-20Silvia Guillemi, MD, Director of Education, BC-CfEDr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPC, BC-CfE / IDC Clinic; Healthy Heart Program, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41178-184HIV, Drug Policy and Human Rights in Russia2012-09-26Anya SarangAndrey Rylkov Foundation for Health and Social JusticeForefront Lectures
41186-185Cardiovascular Health in HIV-positive Patients2012-10-04Dr Graeme MoyleDirector of HIV Research Strategy Associate Specialist in HIV Medicine Chelsea and Westminster Hospital London, United KingdomAIDS Care Rounds
41200-186MIND Exchange - Delivering Practical Guidance in the Management of HAND2012-10-18Dr Adriana Carvalhal, MD, MSc, PhDDirector Medical Psychiatry, St Michael's HospitalAssistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of TorontoAIDS Care Rounds
41212-187Cost-Effective Integration of HIV Care in Opioid Substitution Treatment2012-10-30Bohdan Nosyk, PhDCIHR Bisby FelowResearch Scientist, Health EconomicsBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
41214-188HIV/HCV Co-infection2012-11-01Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41236-189Antiretroviral Therapy; Revisiting the Concept of Cure2012-11-23Bonaventura ClotetFundacio irsicaixa, Hospital Germans Tris i Pujol, CataloniaHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-190Diagnosis of Viral Hepatitis in the Setting of HIV Infection2012-11-23Mel Krajden, MD FRCP(C)Clinical Prevention Services - HepatitisAssociate Medical Director, BCCDC Laboratory Services, BC Centre for Disease ControlProfessor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-191Emerging Issues in Antiretroviral Therapy2012-11-23Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-192HIV Viral Load and Treatment Response2012-11-23Bonaventura ClotetFundacio irsicaixa, Hospital Germans Tris i Pujol, CataloniaHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-193Late Complications of Viral Hepatitis2012-11-23Eric M Yoshida, MD FRCPCDivision of Gastroenterology, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-194Management of HIV-HBV Co-infection2012-11-23Hin Hin KoClinical Assistant Professor, University of British ColumbiaGastroenterology & Hepatology, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-195Managing HIV/HCV Co-infection2012-11-23Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-196Mobile Primary Care Guidelines2012-11-23James NakagawaBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSMarianne HarrisClinical Research Advisor, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-197New HIV Testing Recommendations2012-11-23Réka Gustafson MD, FRCPCMedical Health Officer & Medical Director of Communicable Disease ControlHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41236-198Seek and Treat for Optimal Prevention of HIV & AIDS in BC2012-11-23Julio Montaner, MD, DSc, FRCPC, FCCP, FRSCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2012
41242-199Anal HPV Infection: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention2012-11-29Stephen E Goldstone, MD, FACSAssistant Clinical Professor of Surgery, Mount Sinai School of MedicineAIDS Care Rounds
41256-200Treatment as Prevention: From STOP HIV to STOP HCV2012-12-13Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyAIDS Care Rounds
41291-201STOP HIV/AIDS Collaborative & Quality Improvement Network2013-01-17Dr Rolando Barrios, Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSChristina Clarke, Quality Improvement Advisor, Impact BCAIDS Care Rounds
41305-202Why Are We Here?2013-01-31Alastair McLeod, MDDepartment of Dermatology & Skin Science, Faculty of Medicine, UBCAIDS Care Rounds
41318-203Is HIV Drug Resistance Still Relevant?2013-02-13Mark A WainbergMcGill University AIDS CentreHôpital juif de Montréal, Montréal, QuébecForefront Lectures
41319-204Ethics of Access: HIV on Hastings2013-02-14Susan Burgess, MA, MD, CCFP, FCFPAIDS Care Rounds
41333-205Understanding the Genetic Barrier to Resistance and its Implementation in Routine Care2013-02-28Jonathan M Schapiro, MDNational Hemophilia Center, IsrealStanford University School of Medicine, USAAIDS Care Rounds
41347-206WelTel at Oak Tree: Looking Back and Going Forward2013-03-14Melanie Murray, MD, PhD, FRCPCOak Tree ClinicAIDS Care Rounds
41361-207Complex Case Management in the IDC2013-03-28Mike Dowler, RNBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS / IDC Clinic, St Paul's HospitalJennifer Harcus, RNBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS / IDC Clinic, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41375-208Health Literacy: Key to Better Care2013-04-11Carol Wilson, BSN, RNProject Coordinator/Plain Language SpecialistJane McCall MSN, RNNurse Educator, HIV ProgramAIDS Care Rounds
41381-209The Sydney Medically Supervised Injection Centre2013-04-17Dr Marianne JaunceyMedical Director, Sydney Medically Supervised Injection CentreForefront Lectures
41390-210Antiretroviral Therapy Guidelines: Where Are They and What is Next?2013-04-26Stefano Vella, MDIstituto Superiore de Sanità, Rome, ItalyHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-211Chemoprophylaxis Update2013-04-26Kenneth Mayer, MDFenway Health, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical SchoolHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-212Ethical and Legal Considerations2013-04-26Louise D BinderHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-213Impact of ART on HIV-associated TB: Science, Policy and Implementation2013-04-26Reuben Granich, MD, MPHSenior Advisor for Care and Treatment, UNAIDS, GenevaHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-214Modelling The Impact of Combination Prevention2013-04-26Brian WilliamsVisiting Senior Research Fellow, South Africa Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and AnalysisHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-215Roll Out of Antiretrovirals in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities2013-04-26Elly T Katabira, FRCPDepartment of Medicine, Makerere University College of Health SciencesHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-216The Individual and Public Health Benefit of Treatment as Prevention2013-04-26Theo SmartTreatmentScienceWriters.comHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-217Therapeutic Guidelines for Antiretroviral Treatment of Adult HIV Infection: February 2013 Update2013-04-26Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-218Toward an AIDS-Free Generation: Assessing Progress, Impact and Affordability2013-04-26John M Blandford, PhDPrincipal Deputy Director, Division of Global HIV/AIDS, US Centers for Disease Control & PreventionHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-219Treatment as Prevention: The BC Experience2013-04-26Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-220Treatment as Prevention: The China Experience2013-04-26Zunyou WuNational Center for AIDS/STD Control & Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control & PreventionHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-221Treatment as Prevention: The Impact of Acute/Recent HIV Infection2013-04-26Ann Duerr, MD, PhD, MPHFred Hutchinson Cancer Research CenterHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41390-222Treatment as Prevention: The San Francisco Experience2013-04-26David Evans,Director of Rearch Advocacy, Project InformHIV/ARV Update - April 26, 2013
41395-223HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series - May 1, 20132013-05-01A collaboration between BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Positive Living BCHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41403-224HIV in Women2013-05-09Dr Laura WatersMortimer Market Centre, London, UKAIDS Care Rounds
41417-225Routine HIV Testing: Why is it important? Is it making a difference?2013-05-23Dr David HallIDC ClinicAfshan NathooProvidence Health CareAIDS Care Rounds
41431-226Weighing the Issues: Obesity, Overweight & HIV2013-06-06Jenn Messina, RDHIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's HospitalAlena Barron, RDHIV/AIDS Program, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41445-227Return of the Great Imitator2013-06-20Dr Richard LesterMedical Head STI/HIV Services, BC Centre for Disase ControlAIDS Care Rounds
41528-228HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series - September 11, 20132013-09-11September 11, 2013 (8:00-9:00 AM PST)A collaboration between BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Positive Living BC[01:23] Dr Reka Gustafson: Rationale & Evidence for Routine Testing[16:44] Dr David Hall: Implementation of Routine Testing[36:37] Mr Paul Kerston: HIV Diagnosis - How do we get there?[44:33] HIV Testing Scenarios (role-play by Dr Hall & Mr Kerston)[54.33] Q&AHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41536-229HIV & Depression/Anxiety: Keeping it Practical2013-09-19Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPAIDS Research Program, St Paul's HospitalUBC Faculty of Medicine, Department of Family PracticeAIDS Care Rounds
41550-230HIV in MSM in BC: Age, risk, substances, treatment and future prospects2013-10-03Dr David MooreBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSUniversity of British ColumbiaAIDS Care Rounds
41564-231HIV in Transgender Communities: Addressing Social Determinants, Prevention, and Care2013-10-17Gwen Haworth, MFALGBTQ2S Educator, Prism Services, VCHDr Andrea SzewchukVancouver Coastal HealthAIDS Care Rounds
41570-232Highlights from IAS 2013: The 7th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention2013-10-23Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyPost International AIDS Conferance (2013)
41576-233Prevention as Punishment: Impact of Legislative and Policy Changes Designed to Prevent Human Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation on Female Sex Workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia2013-10-29Professor Lisa Maher Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity University of New South WalesForefront Lectures
41592-234Criminalization of Non-Disclosure of HIV to Sexual Partners: the new (2012) law and its implications2013-11-14Micheal VonnBritish Columbia Civil Liberties AssociationAIDS Care Rounds
41596-235BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS New Developments2013-11-18Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-236Hepatitis C in the United States: Preparing for the Test and Cure Era2013-11-18John Ward, MDDivision of Viral HepatitisNational Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB PreventionCenters for Disease Control and PreventionHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-237Hepatitis C Treatment: Current Recommendations and Future Options2013-11-18John Ward, MDDivision of Viral HepatitisNational Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD and TB PreventionCenters for Disease Control and PreventionHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-238HIV and Aging2013-11-18Silvia Guillemi, MDDirector of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSClinical Associate Professor, UBC Family PracticeHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-239HIV and COPD: A Growing Comorbidity2013-11-18Janice M Leung, MD, FRCPCCentre for Heart and Lung InnovationDivision of RespirologySt Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-240HIV and Diabetes2013-11-18Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCSt Paul's Hospital/UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-241HPV and the HPV Vaccine in HIV Positive Persons2013-11-18Deobrah Money, MD, FRCSCProfessor, UBCVice-President, Research, BC Women'sfor the HPV/HIV study group, CTN 236HIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-242Low Viral Loads and HIV Drug Resistance2013-11-18Richard HarriganDirector, Research LaboratoryBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-243Practical Management of Renal Function Test Results in Patients on HAART2013-11-18Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPAIDS Research Program, St Paul's HospitalDepartment of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-244Recent Developments in Antiretroviral Therapy2013-11-18Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-245Syphilis Management2013-11-18Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPCHead, Division of Infectious DiseasesUniversity of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41596-246What's up? Syphilis!2013-11-18Mark Gilbert, MD, FRCPCClinical Prevention ServicesHIV/ARV Update - November 18, 2013
41606-247HIV and the Lung: Practical Considerations for Non-Infectious Complications2013-11-28Janice M Leung, MD, FRCPCCentre for Heart Lung InnovationDivision of RespirologySt Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41612-248HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series - December 4, 20132013-12-04Glen Bradford, Dr. Silvia Guillemi and Mary Petty discuss issues in linkages and access to care.December 4, 2013 (8:00-9:00 AM PST)A collaboration between BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Positive Living Society BC[3:47] Glen Bradford: Barriers & Challenges[10:12] Role-play: Individual & Physician[14:21] Dr. Silvia Guillemi: Primary Care in HIV[31:45] Role-play: Individual & Social Worker[39.36] Mary Petty: Support & Care Issues[45:01] Q&AHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41620-249The Criminal Justice System and The Health of People Living With HIV/AIDS2013-12-12M-J Milloy, PhDFaculty of Medicine, UBCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAIDS Care Rounds
41655-250Beyond the ABC's: Hepatitis D and E in the Setting of HIV2014-01-16Mark Hull MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, St Paul's HospitalAIDS Care Rounds
41659-251The HIV Prevention Lab: Clinical Trial and Observational Study Methods2014-01-20Trevor A Hart, PhD, C PsychOHTN Chair in Applied HIV ResearchRyerson University and University of TorontoForefront Lectures
41683-252Global Advocacy for Equal Access to Hepatitis C Virus Treatment2014-02-13Karyn KaplanDirector, International Hepatitis/HIV Policy and AdvocacyTreatment Action Group (TAG)Forefront Lectures
41697-253Antiretroviral Drug Interactions2014-02-27Junine Toy, BSc (Pharm), ACPR, PharmDAIDS Care Rounds
41711-254Transitioning HIV-infected Youth to Adult Care2014-03-13Ariane Alimenti, MDClinical Assistant Professor,  Division of Infectious & Immunological Diseases, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, UBCOak Tree Clinic, BC Women's Hospital & Health CareAIDS Care Rounds
41725-255Common Cutaneous Manifestations in HIV/AIDS2014-03-27Dr Aaron Wong, MD, FRCPC, FAADDermatologistAIDS Care Rounds
41738-256HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series - April 9, 2014 - A collaboration between BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Positive Living Society BC.2014-04-09April 9, 2014Dr. Mary Kestler (Oak Tree Clinic) and Alana LaMalice discuss issues related to caring for women living with HIV.[3:30] Dr. Mary Kestler discusses women and HIV in Canada, gender-specific risks & vulnerability, women and anti-retroviral therapy, reproductive health and screening, and women-centered HIV care.[26:23] Alana LaMalice tells a story of her personal journey and discusses the importance of talking about HIV in Aboriginal communities and of seeing the HIV positive woman as a whole and complex person.[49:12] Q&AHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41739-257Opinions2014-04-10Dr Anton Pozniak Chelsea and Westminister, London, UKDr Sharon Walmsley University Health Network, Toronto, CanadaAIDS Care Rounds
41753-258Self-Management Support Tools for People Living with HIV and Their Care Providers2014-04-24Elgin Lim, Director of Programs and Services, Positive Living Society of British ColumbiaMeaghan Thumath, RN, MPH, Provincial Health AuthorityAIDS Care Rounds
41766-259Hepatitis C Cases and Treatment Options with Newer Therapies2014-05-07Val Monessori, MD, FRCPCClinical Associate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, UBCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
41781-260Innovative Work in HIV Care: The Nurse Practitioner at the Dr Peter Centre2014-05-22Rosalind Baltzer TurjeDirector of Clinical Programs, Research and EvaluationMartin PayneNurse PractitionerAIDS Care Rounds
41786-261Ending AIDS: How can we leverage solidarity, science and momentum to reach the next milestone in global health?2014-05-27Michel SidibèExecutive Director, UNAIDSForefront Lectures
41794-262Treatment as prevention and HIV risk behaviour among men who have sex with men in Vancouver: The Momentum Men's Health Study2014-06-04David MooreAssociate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSPhysician Lead PHSA STOP HIV Program, BC Centre for Disease ControlForefront Lectures
41795-263Migration, Mobility and HIV/STIs among Key Populations: Evidence From Canada, Mexico and Central America2014-06-05Shira Goldenberg, PhDGender and Sexual Health Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSDepartment of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaAIDS Care Rounds
41809-264The Inner City Youth Program: A unique intensive case management model2014-06-19Steve Mathias, MD, FRCPC, CACAPInner City Youth ProgramAIDS Care Rounds
41814-265Dr. Julio Montaner and Mr. Paul Kerston discuss issues related to Treatment as Prevention in HIV2014-06-24Dr. Julio Montaner and Mr. Paul Kerston discuss issues related to Treatment as Prevention in HIV.[3:14] Dr. Julio Montaner discusses HIV Treatment as Prevention strategy in British Columbia and its implications for the rest of Canada and beyond.[26:25] Mr. Paul Kerston discusses some of the community perspectives on Treatment as Prevention in HIV.[45:30] Mr. Paul Kerston asks Dr. Julio Montaner some questions related to Treatment as Prevention.[52:52] Audience Q&AHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41886-266Perinatal Care Experiences of Mothers Living with HIV in Ontario: What Works and What Doesn't2014-09-04Allyson Ion, MScSchool of Social WorkMcMaster UniversityHIV Care Rounds
41899-267Migration, Mobility and HIV/STIs among Key Populations: Evidence From Canada, Mexico and Central America2014-09-17Shira Goldenberg, PhDGender and Sexual Health Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSDepartment of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaForefront Lectures
41907-268Acute HIV Infection2014-09-25Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPCClinical Assistant ProfessorDivision of AIDS, UBCHIV Care Rounds
41913-269Adherence to HIV Treatment and Prevention2014-10-01David Bangsberg, MD, MPHDirector, Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Global HealthProfessor, Harvard Medical SchoolProfessor, Harvard School of Public HealthVisiting Professor, Mbarara University of Science and TechnologyForefront Lectures
41913-270Dr. Marianne Harris and Jonathan Postnikoff discuss issues related to starting HIV treatment2014-10-01Dr. Marianne Harris and Jonathan Postnikoff discuss issues related to starting HIV treatment.[3:29] Dr. Harris discusses BC guidelines for ARV therapy, timing of treatment initiation, recommended first-line therapy and monitoring of patients who receive ARVs.[23:09] Jonathan discusses benefits and challenges in starting ARV treatment from the patients’ perspective.[34:05] Discussion with Dr. Harris, Jonathan and Dr. Guillemi, and audience questions.HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
41935-271Cardiovascular Risk Associated with Testosterone Therapy2014-10-23Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCSt Paul's HospitalHIV Care Rounds
41949-272Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV Prevention2014-11-06Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPCAIDS Research Program, St Paul's HospitalDepartment of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine, UBCHIV Care Rounds
41967-273Addiction Medicine Update2014-11-24Evan Wood, MD, PhD, ABIM, FRCPCProfessor & Canada Research Chair in Inner City Medicine, University of British ColumbiaMedical Director, Addiction Services, Vancouver Coastal Health & Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-274Aging with Grace: Menopause and Women Living with HIV2014-11-24Mary Kestler, MD, DTMHUniversity of British Columbia Division of Infectious Disease, St Paul's HospitalOak Tree Clinic, British Columbia Women's Hospital and Health CareHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-275HIV-TB in British Columbia2014-11-24Victoria Cook, MD, FRCPCProvincial Health Services AuthorityHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-276HIV/Hepatitis C Co-infection Treatment Update2014-11-24Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPCClinical Assistant Professor, University of British ColumbiaBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-277New Testing Guidelines for British Columbia2014-11-24Dr Perry KendallProvincial Health OfficerHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-278Pre- and Post-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV2014-11-24Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPCDepartment of Family Practice and Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-279Psychiatric Manifestations of HIV2014-11-24Jennifer K Wide, MD, MSc, FRCPCImmunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul's HosptialHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41967-280State of the ART: An Update on Treatment as Prevention and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS ARV Guidelines2014-11-24Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - November 24, 2014
41991-281Stimulant-Induced Psychosis2014-12-18Jennifer WideSylvia LaiIDC Mental Health TeamHIV Care Rounds
42019-282STI Update2015-01-15Dr Carolyn MontgomeryDr Sylvia MakaroffBC Centre for Disease ControlHIV Care Rounds
42025-283Drug Prohibition and Harm Reduction among People who Inject Drugs in Thailand2015-01-21Kanna Hayashi, PhDPostdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaResearch Scientist, Urban Health Research Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
42025-284Junine Toy and Jennifer Hawkes discuss issues in antiretroviral treatment in British Columbia2015-01-21HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42033-285Comorbidities related to Aging with HIV2015-01-29Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPAIDS Research Program, St Paul's HospitalDepartment of Family Practice, Faculty of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV Care Rounds
42039-286Treatment as Prevention: Building on the HIV Experience to Promote Health Care Sustainability2015-02-04Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBC, OCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyForefront Lectures
42047-287Comorbidities related to Aging with HIV: Part II2015-02-12Silvia Guillemi, MD, CCFPDirector, Clinical Education and Training Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Medical Director, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency ClinicHIV Care Rounds
42048-288Antiretroviral Therapy (ART, ARV's, HAART), When And What To Start2015-02-13Dr. Silvia GuillemiDirector of Education, BC-CfEClinical Associate Professor, UBC Family PracticeHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-289Case 1: New HIV Diagnosis2015-02-13Dr. Elise BalaisisClinical Instructor, UBCHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-290Case Study #2 Challenges of HIV Treatment2015-02-13Dr. Cheryl McDermid, MDHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-291Epidemiology of HIV/AIDS in BC and new BC HIV Testing Guidelines2015-02-13Dr. David MooreHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-292HIV in Marginalized Populations: Concurrent Addictions, Mental Health Issues, & Hepatitis C2015-02-13Dr. Aida Sadr, MD CCFPHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-293Primary Care and HIV2015-02-13Dr. Sarah StoneHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42048-294Toxicities of HIV Treatment2015-02-13Dr. Marianne HarrisClinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family PracticeAssociate Member, Division of AIDSFaculty of Medicine, UBCHIV Management in Family Practice: Everything You Need to KnowCo-hosted by BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and UBC Division of Continuing Professional DevelopmentWith generous support from Vancouver Coastal Health and Island Health AuthorityOther Events
42061-295Anal Cancer: What should we be doing to prevent it2015-02-26Natasha PressDivision of Infectious Disease, St Paul's HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42067-296Can hepatitis C virus infection be eradicated among people who inject drugs?2015-03-04Jason Grebely, PhDAssociate Professor, Viral Hepatitis Clinical Research ProgramThe Kirby InstituteUNSW AustraliaForefront Lectures
42075-297Update on IDC Patient Populations and Services2015-03-12Mary PettyResearch, Education and Practice Co-ordinator,IDC, Providence Health CareBrynn GriersonClinical Nurse Lead,IDC, Providence Health CareSilvia GuillemiAssistant Director,IDC, Providence Health CareCa-Lien ForrestSocial Worker,IDC, Providence Health CareHIV Care Rounds
42081-298UNSW Hepatitis C Vaccine Preparedness Studies 2008-20142015-03-18Professor Lisa Maher AM,Program Head and NHMRC Senior Research FellowThe Kirby Institute, UNSW AustraliaForefront Lectures
42089-299Arresting Hope: Doing Time in Prison Health2015-03-26Ruth Elwood Martin, MD, FCCP, MPHClinical Professor, School of Population and Public Health, UBCCollaborating Centre for Prison Health and EducationHIV Care Rounds
42114-300An Update from the Urban Health Research Initiative2015-04-20Thomas Kerr, PhDDirector, Urban Health Research Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssociate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-301Approaches for Healing for Indigenous People Living with HIV in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside2015-04-20Elder Roberta Price David Tu Vancouver Native Health Society Medical ClinicHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-302Arrhythmia Effects of ARVs2015-04-20Matthew Bennett, MD, FRCPCClinical Assistant ProfessorVancouver Coastal Health Research InstituteHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-303HCV Genomics and Therapy2015-04-20Richard HarriganDirector, Research Laboratories BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-304HIV and Bone Disease: Assessment and Management2015-04-20Dr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCIDC Clinic/Healthy Heart ProgramSt Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-305HIV Primary Care Guidelines Update (Part I and II)2015-04-20Dr Rolando Barrios,Assistant Director, Co-Chair - Committee for Drug Evaluation and Therapies,BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSDr Silvia A GuillemiDirector of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Director at the Immunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-306HIV/HCV Therapy: Drug Interactions with the new DAA regimens2015-04-20Mark Hull, MD, MHSc, FRCPCDivision of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaJunine Toy, PharmDProvidence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-307New PharmaCare Coverage for Chronic Hepatitis C2015-04-20Eric Lun, PharmD, ACPR, BSc PharmExecutive Director, Drug Intelligence and Optimization BranchMedical Benegiciary and Pharmaceutical Services Dvision, Ministry of HealthHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-308Post CROI Update2015-04-20Julio Montaner, MD, DSc(hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FRSC, OBC, OCDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaPast-President, International AIDS SocietyHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-309Sexually Transmitted Infections2015-04-20Troy Grennan, MD, FRCPC, DTM&H, MSc (c)Medical Head, HIV/STI ProgramBC Centre for Disease ControlHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-310The cost-effectiveness of HAART expansion in British Columbia: 1997-20102015-04-20Bohdan Nosyk, PhDAssociate Professor, St Paul's Hospital Canfar Chair in HIV/AIDS ResearchFaculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityResearch Scientist, Health EconomicsMichael Smith Foundation for Health Research ScholarBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42114-311Vaccines in HIV-infected People2015-04-20Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPCDivision of Infectious Diseases,St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - April 20, 2015
42117-312Women, HIV and Adherence Challenges and Interventions2015-04-23Neora Pick, MD, FRCPCMedical Director, Oak Tree ClinicAssociate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, UBCHIV Care Rounds
42145-313Routine HIV Testing in Practice2015-05-21Dr Réka GustafsonMedical Health Officer and Medical Director of Communicable Disease ControlHIV Care Rounds
42158-314Examining Challenges of Addictions and Mental Health in HIV Care2015-06-03Speakers: Dr. Aida Sadr (Physician, Vancouver Native Health) Matthew Beasley (Peer Navigator, Positive Living Society of BC) The goals of this Webinar are to understand: The challenges in assessment and management of HIV-positive individuals living with mental health and addictions issues The barriers that prevent HIV-positive individuals from disclosing their substance use and mental health concerns to providers An individual's barriers to accessing, engaging and remaining in careHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42158-315Healthcare Utilization and Associated Outcomes Among People Who Use Drugs2015-06-03Lianping TiResearch Associate, Urban Health Research Initiative (UHRI)BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
42173-316The SALOME Study: Design, recruitment and patient profile and From Research to Practice: Who benefits from injectable treatment options for severe opiate use disorder2015-06-18Kirsten Marchand, PhD Candidate, School of Population and Public Health, UBCEugenia Oviedo-Joekes, PhD, Centre for Health and Outcomes EvaluationScott MacDonald, MD, Providnce Health CareHIV Care Rounds
42257-317Progress to 90/90/90 among men and women who use illicit drugs and are living with HIV/AIDS: The role of the criminal justice system2015-09-10M-J Milloy, PhDResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV Care Rounds
42263-318The Pizza Effect: Implications for life expectancy estimation and patient care2015-09-16Robert S Hogg, MA, PhD Senior Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
42271-319When to start cART? Recent results from the START Trial and cohort studies2015-09-24Viviane Dias Lima, PhD, MScResearch Scientist and Senior Statistician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV Care Rounds
42277-320Connecting with Youth: HIV Testing Care and Support for Under 302015-09-30Speakers: Dr. David Moore (Physician Lead PHSA HIV Program [BC CDC] | Research Scientist [BC-CfE]) Clynton James Cheveyo Olausen-Walker (Member [YouthCO])Sarah Chown (Program Coordinator [YouthCO])HIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42283-321Challenges to research and surveillance in the HIV treatment as prevention era - an Australian perspective2015-10-06Martin Holt, BSc, MSc, PhDAssociate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of New South Wales, AustraliaForefront Lectures
42285-322Lung Cancer in HIV2015-10-08Janice Leung, MD, FRCPC Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Respiratory Medicine, St. Paul's HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42297-323Syphilis Update2015-10-20Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases St Paul's Hospital HIV Care Rounds
42299-324Antiretrovirals and Chemotherapy2015-10-22Junine Toy, PharmDHIV Care Rounds
42312-325Near real-time monitoring of HIV transmisson hotspots in BC: Harnessing Big Data for public health2015-11-04Art FY Poon, MSc, PhD Associate Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
42313-326HIV Nutrition: Practice across the continuum of care2015-11-05Rani Wangsawidjaya, RD - Dr Peter Centre Alena Spears, RD - St Paul’s Hospital- IDC and Crosstown Clinic Gerry Kasten, RD - Spectrum Health Care Cheryl Collier, RD - Oak Tree Clinic, BC Women’s Hospital  HIV Care Rounds
42327-327Treating Patients with Both Pain and Substance Use Disorders2015-11-19Launette Rieb, MD, MSC, CCFP, FCFP, CCSAM, dip. ABAM Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia Medical Consultant, Department of Family and Community Medicine, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver Canadian Addiction Medicine Research FellowHIV Care Rounds
42331-328BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Education Update2015-11-23Silvia Guillemi, MD, MCFPDirector of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Medical Director, IDCClinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBCHelen Kang, PhDClinical Educator, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-329Determinants of ART Outcome in BC2015-11-23Viviane Dias Lima, PhD, MSc, Research Scientist & Senior Statistician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-330Gynecologic issues for women in HIV2015-11-23Deborah M Money, MD, FRCSCProfessor, UBCVice-President, Research, BC Women's Hospital and Health CareHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-331HIV dermatology2015-11-23Aaron Wong, MD, FRCPC, FAADDermatologist, IDCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-332HIV Infection and the Kidney2015-11-23Dr R WerbHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-333HIV Integrase Resistance2015-11-23Richard HarriganDirector, Research Labs, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-334International AIDS Society 20152015-11-23Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MDDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaUNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV TherapeuticsHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-335Medicinal Cannabis in HIV and AIDS2015-11-23Pippa Hawley, FRCPCDivision Head, Palliative Care, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-336Progress in HIV cure research2015-11-23Zabrina Brumme, PhDAssociate Professor, Faculty of Health Science, SFUScientific Associate, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-337Update on HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis2015-11-23Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPCClinical Associate Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42331-338Update on HIV Testing2015-11-23Mel Krajden, MD, FRCPCActing Medical Director, Public Health LaboratoryMedical Head, Hepatitis, BCCDCProfessor, Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 23, 2015
42334-339HIV & Other STBBIs: Prevention and linkage to care among young men2015-11-26Jeannie Shoveller, PhD Professor, UBC School of Population & Public Health Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health SciencesForefront Lectures
42341-340Hepatitis C in Women Living with HIV2015-12-03Mary Kestler, MD, DTMHHIV Care Rounds
42383-341Hepatitis C (HCV) Management in the HIV Primary Care Setting2016-01-14Cole Stanley, MD, CCFPFamily PhysicianImmunodeficiency Clinic,St. Paul’s HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42389-342Supervised Drug Consumption in Vancouver: History, Evolving Practices and Next Steps2016-01-20Thomas KerrDirector, Urban Health Research Initiative,BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor, Department of Medicine,University of British Columbia  Forefront Lectures
42411-343Acute HIV: An Update on the Evidence2016-02-11Troy Grennan, MD MSc FRCPC DTM&H Medical Head, Provincial HIV/STI Program, BC Centre for Disease Control Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of British ColumbiaHIV Care Rounds
42417-344Preventing Overdose Deaths due to Fentanyl in the Drug Supply2016-02-17Dr. Mark Lysyshyn, Medical Health Officer Vancouver Coastal HealthForefront Lectures
42417-345The Next Wave : Realities of Aging with HIV2016-02-17Hosted by Jonathan Postnikoff, Treatment Outreach Coordinator, Positive Living BCSilvia Guillemi, MD, Assistant Medical Director, Immunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul's HospitalGlen Bradford, Manager, Peer Navigator Program, Positive Living BCHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42425-346The Peer Navigation Program: A 2016 Update2016-02-25Glen Bradford, Manager, Peer Navigation, Positive Living BCHIV Care Rounds
42445-347HPV-Associated Disease in MSM: A Review of Evidence2016-03-16Troy Grennan, MD MSc FRCPC DTM&H Medical Head, Provincial HIV/STI Program BC Centre for Disease Control Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, UBCForefront Lectures
42453-348VCH/PHC Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Opioid Addiction2016-03-24Keith Ahamad MD Clinical Assistant Professor, University of British Columbia Family and Addiction Medicine, Providence Health Care / Vancouver Coastal Health Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
42466-349HIV Quality of Care : Are we there yet?2016-04-06Rolando Barrios, MD, FRCPCAssistant DirectorBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
42467-350HIV and Diabetes: New Treatment Options2016-04-07Dr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPC St Paul’s HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42481-351Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention in MSM – Ready for Prime Time2016-04-21Mark Hull MHSc FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
42485-352Changing Epidemiology of Opioid Use and HIV Infection: Indiana 20152016-04-25Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention Centers for Disease Control and PreventionHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-353Criminization of HIV - and what researchers can do about it2016-04-25Peter McKnight National Core for Neuroethics, UBC School of Criminology, SFU Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal NetworkHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-354Diagnosis and Management of Anal Dysplasia2016-04-25Natasha PressDivision of ID, SPH  HIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-355Frailty and HIV – a perfect storm2016-04-25Amanda Hill, MD, FRCPCDivision of Geriatric MedicineDepartment of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-356High Impact Prevention: Science, Practice, and the Future of HIV2016-04-25Jonathan Mermin, MD, MPH National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention Centers for Disease Control and PreventionHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-357IFN-Free HCV Therapies – Update on Current Management for Co-infected Patients2016-04-25Mark Hull MD, MHsc, FRCPCClinical Associate Professor, University of British ColumbiaResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS HIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-358Psychiatric illness in hard to reach populations2016-04-25Bill MacEwan, MDHead, Department of Psychiatry, SPHHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-359Treatment as Prevention Exporting HIV-TasP to HCV2016-04-25Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MDDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaUNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV TherapeuticsHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-360Update on Addiction Management2016-04-25Seonaid Nolan MD, FRCPC, dip ABAMClinical Assistant Professor, UBCGeneral Internal & Addiction Medicine Physician, SPHResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS  HIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-361Update on Hepatitis C Diagnosis2016-04-25Mel Krajden MD, FRCPCMedical Director, BCCDC Public Health LaboratoryMedical Head, Hepatitis, BC Centre for Disease ControlProfessor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42485-362What is new in the management of Diabetes in HIV Patients2016-04-25Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCSt Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - April 25, 2016
42495-363HIV in New Zealand A clinicians perspective2016-05-05Graham Mills, MDInfectious diseases physician, Waikato Hospital, Hamilton, New ZealandHIV Care Rounds
42509-364BC-CfE Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of HIV/AIDS in British2016-05-19Dr. Silvia GuillemiDr. Marianne HarrisDr. Neora PickAmanda KhorsandiHIV Care Rounds
42523-365How to optimize HIV patient's bone health: a multidisciplinary approach2016-06-02Dr Silvia Guillemi,   Director of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS   Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBC Kerry Maxwell,   Owner, Burrard Physiotherapy  Lynda Lawrence, FCAMPT, CGIMS,  Registered PhysiotherapistHIV Care Rounds
42529-366Navigating the Medico-Legal Borderland2016-06-08Michael Vonn Lawyer & Policy Director British Columbia Civil Liberties Association Jonathan Postnikoff Treatment Outreach Coordinator Positive Living Society of BC Host Dr. Silvia Guillemi Director of Clinical Education British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Facilitaror Helen Kang Clinical Educator British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSOther Events
42536-367Modelling the tuberculosis and HIV co-epidemic in South Africa2016-06-15Leonid Chindelevitch, PHDAssistant Professor, School of Computing Science, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
42537-368Hematologic Derangement in HIV2016-06-16  Heather Leitch, MD, PhDHematologist, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul's HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42620-369Injectable Opioids Treatment: Evidence to support its expansion in BC2016-09-07Dr. Eugenia Oviedo-Joekes, Associate Professor, School of Population and Public Health, UBC Dr. Scott MacDonald, MD, Physician Lead, Providence Crosstown ClinicForefront Lectures
42629-370Policy, Place, & Race: Public Housing Relocations & Relocaters' Biobehavioral Vulnerability to HIV2016-09-16Hannah LF Cooper, ScD Associate ProfessorFaculty, Behavioral Sciences/Health Ed Jointly Appointed, EpidemiologyEmory UniversityForefront Lectures
42635-371Peers in the Clinic: Integrating Clinical Care & Community2016-09-22Laura Sauve, MD MPH FRCPC DTM&H UBC Department of Pediatrics Oak Tree Clinic | BC Women’s Hospital & Health Centre Sarah Chown, MPH Executive Director, YouthCOHIV Care Rounds
42649-372DTES Connections: Low-Barrier Care for Opioid Use Disorder2016-10-06Daniel Paré, MD CCFP DABAM CCSAMVCH Low Barrier Addiction ServicesWorking GroupHIV Care Rounds
42657-373Making the uncountable count: A public health approach to a world without street children2016-10-14Paula Braitstein, PhD Associate Professor CIHR Chair of Applied Public HealthForefront Lectures
42669-374Hepatitis C and HIV in Substance Users: Economics of Screening and Linkage to Care2016-10-26Bruce R Schackman, PhD Saul P. Steinberg Distinguished Professor of Healthcare Policy & Research Weill Cornell MedicineForefront Lectures
42677-375Transgender People and HIV: Care and prevention in a changing landscape for trans health2016-11-03Dr Andrea SzewchukHIV Care Rounds
42691-376The Momentum Men’s Health Study: What have we learned about HIV risk behaviour and Treatment as Prevention among gay, bisexual and other MSM in Vancouver?2016-11-17David M Moore, MDCM, MHSc Physician Lead PHSA HIV Program, BC CDC Research Scientist, BC Centre For Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Dept of Medicine, UBCHIV Care Rounds
42702-37790-90-90 Update and Next Steps2016-11-28Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MDDirector, BC Centre for Excellence on HIV/AIDS, Providence Health CareProfessor of Medicine & Head, Division of AIDS, University of British ColumbiaUNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV TherapeuticsHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-378Expanding HIV Testing The Vancouver Experience2016-11-28Réka Gustafson, MD, FRCPCSenior Medical Health Officer Director of Communicable Disease Control Vancouver Coastal HealthHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-379Health, Heroin and Hydromorphone siOAT: Supervised Injectable Opioid Assisted Treatment2016-11-28D Scott MacDonald, MD Providence crosstown ClinicHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-380New HIV Diagnosis: What is Next? Building the scaffolding for long-term retention in treatment and care2016-11-28Miranda Compton, MSW, RSWRegional Director, Prevention, Vancouver Coastal Health Glen BradfordProgram Manager, Peer Navigators & Prison Outreach, Positive Living BCHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-381Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention - What is its role in the Canadian Setting?2016-11-28Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPCClinical Associate Professor, Division of AIDS, UBCResearch Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-382Progress in Monitoring Therapy2016-11-28Richard Harrigan Director, Research Labs, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-383Provincial Guidelines for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder2016-11-28Keith Ahamad, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Family and Addiction Medicine, Providence Health Care / Vancouver Coastal Health Research Scientist, BC Centre on Substance UseHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-384When To Switch Antiretrovirals2016-11-28Silvia A. GuillemiAssistant Medical Director, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic, St Paul’s HospitalDirector of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSClinical Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-385Women and HIV: Structural Inequities & Gendered Gaps in Cascade of Care2016-11-28Kate Shannon, PhD, MPH Associate Professor, Medicine, UBC Director, Gender and Sexual Health Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Canada Research Chair - Global Sexual Health & HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42702-386Women, HIV & Aging: Current & future challenges2016-11-28Neora Pick, MD, FRCPCMedical Director, Oak Tree ClinicAssociate Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases,  Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 28, 2016
42705-387Management of Hepatitis B in HIV2016-12-01Val Montessori MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases, UBC British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AID, St. Paul's HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42746-388Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention – another tool for HIV elimination in British Columbia2017-01-11Mark Hull MHSc FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
42747-389Caring for refugees living with HIV: experiences from the Bridge Clinic2017-01-12Mei-ling Wiedmeyer MDStacy Barry RNSonja Rietkerk NP  HIV Care Rounds
42761-390The St Paul's Rapid Access Addiction Clinic: Pathways to Stabilizing Severe Addiction in an Outpatient Setting2017-01-26Dr. Kit Fairgrieve, RAAC/AMCT MD Nancy Chow, RN Clinical Nurse LeaderHIV Care Rounds
42775-391Aging and HIV: Insights from the Veterans Aging Cohort Study (VACS)2017-02-09Amy C. Justice, MD, PhDProfessor of Medicine and Public Health Yale UniversityForefront Lectures
42789-392The HIV Positive Woman: Fertility, Pregnancy and Ovarian Aging2017-02-23Melanie Murray, PhD, MD, BSc, Oak Tree ClinicHIV Care Rounds
42803-393HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND): An Update2017-03-09G-Y. Robin Hsiung, BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, FACP Associate Professor, University of British ColumbiaSt. Paul’s HospitalHIV Care Rounds
42817-394The HIV Cascade of Care:  No body left behind2017-03-23Rolando Barrios, MD, FRCPC Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
42831-395Drug interactions: Antiretrovirals and hepatitis C DAAs2017-04-06Junine Toy, Clinical Pharmacist, St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy HIV Care Rounds
42844-396Mind the Gap: Targeted Interventions for Closing Gaps Along the HIV Continuum of Care2017-04-19Dr. Rolando Barrios Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Director, STOP HIV/AIDS Glen Bradford Manger, Peer Navigator Program, Positive Living Society of BC Emma Gauvin Social Work Lead, STOP Program HOSTED BY: Dr. Silvia Guillemi Assistant Medical Director, Immunodeficiency Clinic, St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42845-397Food security for PLWH What does it mean for health and nutrition2017-04-20Jenn Messina, Clinical DietitianKathy Ho, Clinical DietitianHIV Care Rounds
42859-398Evidence Update on Anal Cancer Screening in MSM Living with HIV2017-05-04Troy Grennan, MD MSc FRCPC DTM&HPhysician Lead, Provincial HIV/STI ProgramBC Centre for Disease ControlClinical Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of British ColumbiaHIV Care Rounds
42873-399Into the Frontier: Supervised Injectable Opioids and HIV Treatment A Paradigm shift in Care2017-05-18Dr. Scott MacDonald, MDPhysician Lead, Providence Crosstown ClinicHIV Care Rounds
42880-400Findings from a RCT of a Brief, Clinic-Based Safer Sex Program Designed for Young Black MSM Living in the Southern United States2017-05-25Richard A Crosby, PhDForefront Lectures
42887-401VCH/PHC Regional HIV Program Update2017-06-01Dr Reka GustafsonDr David HallHIV Care Rounds
42898-402Current State of Global HIV Care Continua2017-06-12Reuben Granich, MD, MPH Strategy and Science Advisor, International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC)HIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-403Epidemic of Overdose Deaths in BC2017-06-12Patricia Daly MD, FRCPC Chief Medical Health Officer Vancouver Coastal HealthHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-404Evaluation of kidney function in HIV positive patients2017-06-12Dr R Werb Clinical Professor of Medicine, UBC Staff Nephrologist, SPH/PHCHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-405Hepatitis C Virus Testing: Update and Recommendations2017-06-12Lianping Ti, PhD Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assistant Professor, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-406HIV Associated Neurocognitive Disorders (HAND): An Update2017-06-12G-Y. Robin Hsiung Division of Neurology, UBC / St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-407Management of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders in HIV2017-06-12Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPC St Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-408Mind the Gap: Key Gaps Along the HIV Continuum of Care in British Columbia2017-06-12Dr. Réka Gustafson, MD, FRCPC for Rolando Barrios, MD, FRCPC Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-409Opioid Agonist Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder2017-06-12Nadia Fairbairn, MD FRCPC Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, UBC Research Scientist, BC Centre on Substance Use, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Physician Lead, St. Paul’s Hospital Addiction Medicine Consult TeamHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-410Pregnancy Planning in HIV Positive Women2017-06-12Melanie Murray, MD, PhD, FRCPC Assistant Professor, UBC Oak Tree Clinic, BC Women’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-411Syphilis Update2017-06-12Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases St Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-412Treatment as Prevention (TasP) A Strategy to End the AIDS Pandemic and Beyond2017-06-12Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MD UBC Killam Professor of Medicine and Head, Division of AIDS Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS UNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV TherapeuticsHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42898-413Update On HCV Therapy: 20172017-06-12Alnoor Ramji Gastroenterology & Hepatology Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology, University Of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - June 12, 2017
42900-414Knowledge as Prevention The Effect of New Information on Stigma and HIV Testing2017-06-14Laura Derksen Rotman School of Management University of TorontoForefront Lectures
42901-415Rates, characteristics and circumstances of methamphetamine-related death in Australia: A national 7 year study2017-06-15Shane Darke, PhD National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, NSW, AustraliaForefront Lectures
42976-416Using multiple data sources to study health outcomes in a vulnerable population2017-08-29Stuart Kinner, Rohan Borschmann, Jesse Young & Craig Cumming Forefront Lectures
42984-417Strategies for HIV Prevention: What's New in Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)?2017-09-06SPEAKERS: Dr. Marianne Harris Clinical Research Advisor, AIDS Research Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Liz Kirkpatrick, RN Immunodeficiency Clinic, St. Paul's Hospital Hesham Ali Peer Navigator, Positive Living Society of BC HOST: Dr. Silvia Guillemi Assistant Medical Director, Immunodeficiency Clinic, St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
42992-418Optimizing the Evaluation and Management of Osteoporosis in the HIV-infected Patient2017-09-14Todd T Brown, MD, PhDDivision of Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism, John Hopkins UniversityHIV Care Rounds
42998-419Assessing Experiences of Sexual Violence across the Lifespan and it’s Associations with HIV Risk Behavior among Transgender Women and Cisgender Persons Living with HIV in the US2017-09-20Laramie R. Smith, PhDProfessor of Medicine and Global Public HealthCenter on Gender Equity and Health (GEH)University of California, San Diego Forefront Lectures
43020-420Frailty and HIV - a perfect storm2017-10-12Dr Amanda HillDivision of Geriatric MedicineDeptartment of Medicine,UBCHIV Care Rounds
43026-421From HIV Treatment as Prevention (TasP) to Targeted Disease Elimination to Promote Health Care Sustainability2017-10-18Dr. Julio Montaner, OC, OBC UBC Killam Professor of Medicine; Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Head, HIV/AIDS Program at Providence Health CareForefront Lectures
43034-422New Guidelines for HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)2017-10-26Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPC BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
43045-423Applying PEP Guidelines to Clinical Practice2017-11-06Liz Kirkpatrick, RNHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-424British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS UPDATE2017-11-06Dr Julio Montaner, OC, OBCUBC Killam Professor of Medicine;Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS;Head, HIV/AIDS Program at Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-425Cancer & HIV: A population health perspective2017-11-06Kate Salters, PhD, MPHBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-426Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) In Persons With HIV2017-11-06Alnoor Ramji Gastroenterology & Hepatology Clinical Associate Professor Division of Gastroenterology University Of British Columbia St. Paul’s Hospital SiteHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-427HIV and Harm Reduction in Correctional Settings AND Prison Outreach Program: HIV and Harm Reduction in Prisons2017-11-06M-J MILLOY, PhDResearch scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssistant professor, Department of Medicine, UBC Wayne CampbellPrison Outreach Program (POP), Positive Living Society of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-428Lung Cancer in HIV2017-11-06Janice Leung, MD, FRCPCSt. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-429Management of CVS Risk in HIV positive patients2017-11-06Dr Greg Bondy, MD, FRCPCSt Paul’s Hospital HIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-430New Guidelines for HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)2017-11-06Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPCBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-431Potential Impact of Generic Antiretrovirals in British Columbia: A work in progress2017-11-06Viviane D. Lima, PhD, MScResearch Scientist & Senior Statistician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSAssociate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-432Treating Pain with Chronic Opioid Therapy for Patients with HIV2017-11-06Jeffrey H Samet, MD, MA, MPHChief, Section of General Internal Medicine, Boston Medical CenterHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43045-433Welcoming Remarks2017-11-06David HallChairman of Providence Healthcare Research InstituteHIV/ARV Update - November 6, 2017
43048-434Unraveling molecular barriers to HIV-1 immune evasion: implications for a vaccine and cure2017-11-09Mark A. Brockman, PhDAssociate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Simon Fraser UniversityAssociate Scientist, British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Forefront Lectures
43062-435Evidence update on HCV testing and emerging HCV research2017-11-23Lianping Ti, PhD Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assistant Professor, University of British ColumbiaHIV Care Rounds
43076-436Fatty Liver Disease – an issue in HIV+ individuals?2017-12-07Mark Hull, MHSc FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor,Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
43117-437Research, Evaluation, and Knowledge Translation at the Dr. Peter Centre2018-01-17Rosalind Baltzer Turje Forefront Lectures
43124-438Management of Dyslipemia in HIV2018-01-24Greg Bondy MD FRCPCSt Paul’s HospitalHIV Care Rounds
43138-439Health Care Access and Costs Related to Drug Use from Linked Survey and Administrative Health Data in Ontario2018-02-07Ahmed Bayoumi, MD, MSc, FRCPC Professor of Medicine and Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of TorontoForefront Lectures
43159-440Injectable Opioid Agonist Therapy2018-02-28Nadia Fairbairn, MD, FRCPC Assistant Professor, Division of AIDS, Department of Medicine, UBC Research Scientist, BC Centre on Substance Use, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
43173-441Getting Prepped for PrEP! All you Need to Know about Accessing HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis in BC2018-03-14SPEAKERS: Dr. Mark Hull Clinical Associate Professor, Division of AIDS, University of British Columbia Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Junine Toy Senior Manager of the Drug Treatment Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Joshua Edward Knowledge Translation Manager, Health Initiative for MenHOST: Dr. Silvia Guillemi Director, Clinical Education and Training Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Clinical Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBCHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43180-442Teams at the frontlines of the opioid crisis are driving system change to improve care2018-03-21Rolando Barrios Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Senior Medical Director, Vancouver Community Health Services, VCHCole Stanley Medical Lead, Continuous Quality Improvement, VCH Family Physician, Raven Song Community Health Centre and the Immunodeficiency ClinicForefront Lectures
43187-443An Overview of Antiretrovirals in British Columbia2018-03-28Junine Toy, BSc, ACPR, PharmD Senior Manager, Drug Treatment Program BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
43207-444Expanding understandings of violence against women2018-04-17Andrew Gibbs, PhD Gender and Health Research Unit, South African Medical Research CouncilForefront Lectures
43215-445Introduction of Generic Antiretrovirals in British Columbia: A Counterfactual Analysis2018-04-25Viviane D. Lima, PhD, MSc Research Scientist & Senior Statistician,BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV Care Rounds
43227-446Anal Cancer Screening in Individuals Living With HIV2018-05-07Troy Grennan, MD MSc FRCPC DTM&H Physician Lead, Provincial HIV/STI Program, BC Centre for Disease Control Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-447Can the Combination of TasP and PrEP Eliminate HIV among Gay, Bisexual and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM) in British Columbia, Canada?2018-05-07Viviane D. Lima, PhD, MSc Research Scientist & Senior Statistician, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Division of AIDS, UBCHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-448Concurrent Disorders: Models of care2018-05-07Venu Karapareddy, FRCP(C), MBA(Exec) Concurrent Disorder Lead, VCH Acute and TertiaryHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-449COPD & Lung Cancer In HIV Infected Individuals2018-05-07Don D. Sin, MDHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-450Implementation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) in British Columbia2018-05-07Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MD UBC Killam Professor of Medicine, Division of AIDS; Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health Care; UNAIDS Special Advisor on HIV Therapeutics, 2014-2017Junine Toy, PharmD Senior Manager, BC-CfE Drug Treatment ProgramHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-451Introduction2018-05-07Fiona Dalton President and Chief Executive Officer of Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-452Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Update2018-05-07Ron Joe, MB ChB, MSc, Dip ABAMHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-453Pharmacovigilance update: Antiretroviral drug interactions2018-05-07Dr Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPC Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSMs Katherine Lepik BSc(Pharm), MSc Research Coordinator, Pharmacovigilance InitiativeHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-454Teams at the frontlines of the opioid crisis are driving system change to improve care2018-05-07Dr. Cole Stanley Medical Lead, BOOST Collaborative Medical Lead, Continuous Quality Improvement, VCH Community Family Physician, Raven Song Community Health Centre, VCH Family Physician, John Ruedy Immunodeficiency Clinic, St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-455The Momentum Study: HIV and STI risk and PrEP awareness among gay, bisexual and other MSM in Vancouver2018-05-07Dr. David M. Moore Research Scientist,BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43227-456Update on Vaccinations for Adults with HIV-infection2018-05-07Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases, St Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 7, 2018
43236-457Migration, HIV, and Human Rights of Marginalized Women: Barriers, Challenges and Implications for Health Service Delivery2018-05-16Shira Goldenberg, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University Research Scientist, Gender & Sexual Health Initiative, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV Care Rounds
43264-458An Approach to Feeding Infants of Women Living with HIV in 2018: a Data-Driven Conversation2018-06-13Ariane Alimenti Oak Tree ClinicHIV Care Rounds
43278-459ARV-Based Chemoprophylaxis to Reduce HIV Transmission in British Columbia: The Science and Community Perspectives2018-06-27SPEAKERS: Dr. Julio SG Montaner, OC, OBC, MD, DSc (Hon), FRCPC, FCCP, FACP, FRSC, Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Killam Professor of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia Yaz Shariff Treatment Outreach Coordinator Positive Living Society of British ColumbiaHOST: Dr. Silvia Guillemi Director, Clinical Education and Training Program BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Clinical Professor, Department of Family Practice, University of British ColumbiaHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43279-460Natural Product-Derived Compounds and Traditional Medicines in HIV Suppression, Remission, and Cure Strategies2018-06-28Ian Tietjen, PhD Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
43355-461Sexualized Drug Use, Psychosis, ADHD and Other Issues Among Patients Who Use Crystal Meth2018-09-12Julius Elefante, MD, FRCPC, ISAM (Cert.) Clinical Instructor, UBC Staff Psychiatrist, SPHHIV Care Rounds
43362-462The Impact of Demography on The End of AIDS2018-09-19Robert S Hogg, MA, PhD Senior Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
43382-463Bone Health of Women Living and Aging with HIV2018-10-09SPEAKERS: Dr. Neora Pick, FRCPC Medical Director, Oak Tree Clinic, BC Women's Hospital & Health Centre Clinical Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia Valerie Nicholson Indigenous Peer Navigator, Positive Living Society of British Columbia Chair of the Board of Directors, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network Peer Research Associate, Canadian HIV Sexual Reproductive Health Cohort StudyHOST: Dr. Silvia Guillemi Director, Clinical Education and Training Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Clinical Professor, Department of Family Practice, University of British ColumbiaHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43395-464Antiretroviral side effects2018-10-22Katherine Lepik BSc(Pharm), MSc BC-CfE Pharmacovigilance InitiativeHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-465Antiretroviral Therapy in Women with Reproductive Potential2018-10-22Deborah Money, MD, FRCSC Professor, Depts. Obstetrics & Gynecology. Medicine & SPPH Executive Vice-Dean, Faculty of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-466BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Update and Emerging Issues: HCV TasP and HIV Tx & Px2018-10-22Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MD UBC Killam Professor of Medicine,Division of AIDS; Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS at Providence Health CareHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-467BC- CfE Training Program for Nurse Practitioners in HIV Prevention & Treatment2018-10-22Silvia Guillemi, MD, MCFP Director of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assistant Medical Director, IDC Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBCCathy Puskas, PhD Clinical Educator, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSJennifer Beaveridge, RN, MN, NP Nurse Practitioner Lead, VCHHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-468Best-Practices in ORAL OPIOID AGONIST THERAPY Collaborative: Update2018-10-22Dr Rolando Barrios MD, FRCPC Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-469HCV Therapy: Considerations in 2018 /20192018-10-22Alnoor Ramji Gastroenterology & Hepatology Clinical Associate Professor, Division of Gastroenterology, University Of British Columbia, St. Paul’s Hospital SiteHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-470Hepatitis C Testing and Monitoring2018-10-22Mel Krajden MD, FRCPC Medical Director, BCCDC Public Health Laboratory Medical Head, Hepatitis , BC Centre for Disease Control Professor, Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-471Liver disease in the setting of HIV: Hepatitis C and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)2018-10-22Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-472Neurocognitive Dysfunction in People Living with HIV: What Can We Do?2018-10-22Marianne Harris, MD, CCFPC BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-473Stimulant Psychosis and Other Mental Health Issues Among HIV+ Patients Who Use Crystal Meth2018-10-22Julius Elefante, MD, FRCPC, ISAM (Cert.) Clinical Instructor, UBC Staff Psychiatrist, SPHHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-474The HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Program in British Columbia2018-10-22Junine Toy, BSc, ACPR, PharmD Senior Manager, Drug Treatment Program, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-475The Overdose Emergency in BC: Reflections Two Years In2018-10-22Dr Bonnie Henry Provincial Health OfficerHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-476Towards an HIV cure: challenges and strategies2018-10-22Zabrina Brumme, PhD Laboratory Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43395-477Welcome and Opening Remarks2018-10-22Tania Bubela, PhD Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Dean, Simon Fraser UniversityHIV/ARV Update - October 22, 2018
43418-478Mortality Outcomes Among People Living With and Without HIV in British Columbia: Insights from the COAST Study2018-11-14Oghenowede Eyawo, PhD, MPH, MSc CANOC Post-doctoral Fellow & Researcher, British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
43438-479Sex, Equity, and Resistance:   A Journey of Women Loving and Living with HIV from the CHIWOS study2018-12-04Angela Kaida, PhD CHIWOS PI, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityValerie NicholsonCHIWOS Peer Research Associate, Indigenous Peer Navigator at Positive Living Society of BC, Member, Canadian Aboriginal AIDS NetworkForefront Lectures
43446-480Optimizing Antiretroviral Therapy - Why and When to Switch2018-12-12Dr Silvia Guillemi, MD, MCFP Director of Clinical Education, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Assistant Medical Director, IDC Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Family Practice, UBCHIV Care Rounds
43488-481Are we There Yet? An Update on HIV Cure Research2019-01-23Speakers: Zabrina Brumme, PhD and Terry HowardHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43488-482Migration-Related Determinants of HIV and Sexual Health among Marginalized Women: Barriers, Challenges and Implications for Health Service Delivery2019-01-23Shira Goldenberg, PhD Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University Research Scientist, Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity Adjunct Professor, Medicine, University of California San DiegoForefront Lectures
43494-483Common Cutaneous Conditions in HIV2019-01-29Aaron Wong, MD, FRCPC Clinical Assistant ProfessorHIV Care Rounds
43508-484Long-term outcomes for patients receiving antiretroviral therapy in Uganda2019-02-12Dr. David M. Moore Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaForefront Lectures
43523-485Good Catch! How to identify and manage common antiretroviral drug interactions2019-02-27Katherine Lepik, BSc(Pharm), MSc BC-CfE Pharmacovigilance InitiativeHIV Care Rounds
43551-486Update on BCCfE Clinical Laboratory Testing Programs2019-03-27Chanson Brumme Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Research LaboratoriesHIV Care Rounds
43572-487Injection drug use and food insecurity among people living with HIV-hepatitis C virus co-infection: associations, mechanisms, and interventions2019-04-17Taylor McLinden, PhD BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSForefront Lectures
43579-488From Neural Tubes to Waist Lines: Update on Integrase Inhibitors2019-04-24Melanie Murray, MD, PhD, FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, UBC Oak Tree ClinicHIV Care Rounds
43584-489The Perfect Predator: A Scientist’s Race to Save Her Husband from A Deadly Superbug2019-04-29Steffanie A. Strathdee, PhD Associate Dean of Global Health Sciences, Harold Simon Professor, Co-director, IPATH Thomas L. Patterson, PhD Professor of PsychiatryForefront Lectures
43591-490An Approach To Feeding Infants Of Women Living With HIV In 2019: A Data-driven Conversation2019-05-06Chelsea Elwood, MD Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Gynaecologic Specialties, BC Women’s Hospital Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)HIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-491Approach to HIV/Hepatitis B co-infection2019-05-06Mark Hull, MD, FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-492BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Update2019-05-06Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MD Executive Director and Physician-in-Chief, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Head, HIV/AIDS Program, Providence Health Care; UBC-Killam Professor of Medicine, Division of Infectious DiseasesHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-493Gene Editing with CRISPR-Cas9: a new tool in HIV research (and treatment)?2019-05-06Zabrina Brumme, PhD Laboratory Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-494Harnessing the immune response to eliminate latent HIV reservoirs2019-05-06Mark A. Brockman, PhD Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair, Simon Fraser University Associate Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-495Hepatitis B Virus: Assessment, Monitoring, and Management2019-05-06Alnoor Ramji Gastroenterology & Hepatology Clinical Associate Professor Division of Gastroenterology University Of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-496HIV Resistance Testing and Antiretroviral Drug Level Monitoring at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS2019-05-06Chanson Brumme, PhD Assistant Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Research LaboratoriesHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-497Medical Cannabis and HIV/AIDS2019-05-06Pippa Hawley, FRCPC (Pall Med) Medical Director PSMPC Program, BC Cancer Clinical Professor, UBC Deptartment of Medicine Head, UBC Division of Palliative CareHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-498Progress towards the 90-90-90 Target in China2019-05-06Zunyou Wu China CDCHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-499The Traveller with HIV2019-05-06David Harris Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-500Viral Infection and Kidney Transplantation2019-05-06John S. Gill, MD, MS, Fellow American Society of Transplantation Professor of Medicine UBC Division of Nephrology St Paul's HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43591-501What’s New in the Prevention & Management of HIV-related Opportunistic Infections (OI’s)2019-05-06Peter Phillips, MD, FRCP Infectious Diseases, St. Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - May 6, 2019
43600-502HIV Genetic Networks and Drug Resistance Surveillance in Mexico2019-05-15Santiago Avila Ríos, PhD Researcher in Medical Sciences, Centre for Research in Infectious Diseases (CIENI) of the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases (INER), Mexico City, MexicoForefront Lectures
43614-503Atrial Fibrillation in People Living with HIV2019-05-29Dr Matthew Bennett Clinical Assistant Professor, Vancouver General HospitalHIV Care Rounds
43627-504Localized economic modeling to ‘End the HIV epidemic in the US’: A case study across 6 cities2019-06-11Bohdan Nosyk, PhD Associate Professor, St. Paul’s Hospital Canfar Chair in HIV/AIDS Research Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityForefront Lectures
43635-505Navigating the Labyrinth: Decreased Cognition and Aging among People Living with HIV2019-06-19Wayne Campbell, Treatment Outreach Coordinator, Positive Living Society of British Columbia Julius Elefante, MD, FRCPC, ISAM (Cert.), Clinical Instructor, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia; Department of Psychiatry, St. Paul’s Hospital Aiko Yamamoto, PhD, R. Psych, St. Paul’s Hospital Neuropsychology Service, Providence Health Care; Clinical Instructor, Department of Psychiatry, Neuropsychiatry Division, Faculty of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43642-506Double Trouble: Tuberculosis and HIV - What a local HIV care provider needs to know2019-06-26William Connors, MD Infectious Diseases, PHC/BCCDC/UBCHIV Care Rounds
43712-507Timothy Brown, the Berlin Patient: the science behind the world’s first HIV cure2019-09-04Zabrina Brumme, PhD Laboratory Director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Associate Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser UniversityTimothy BrownForefront Lectures
43745-508An Exploration of Women’s Interest In Long-Acting Injectable HIV Therapy: A Qualitative Study in Six US Cities2019-10-07Morgan Philbin, PhD, MHS Department of Sociomedical Sciences Columbia University Mailman School of Public HealthForefront Lectures
43759-509(De)criminalization and HIV disclosure2019-10-21Kate Salters, PhD Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-510BC PrEP Program Update2019-10-21Junine Toy, PharmD British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-511Health issues for gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men beyond HIV2019-10-21Dr. David M. Moore Research Scientist, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Professor, Department of Medicine, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-512HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP): What do you need to know?2019-10-21Mark Hull, MHSc, FRCPC Clinical Associate Professor, University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-513Injectable Treatment Update: Hydromorphone & Heroin2019-10-21D. Scott MacDonald Physician Lead, Providence Crosstown ClinicHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-514Latent TB Management in HIV: An Ounce of Prevention2019-10-21William Connors, MD, MPH, FRCPC Infectious Diseases / Tuberculosis Medicine St. Paul’s Hospital / BCCDC University of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-515Opioid agonist therapies2019-10-21Dr Annabel Mead, mbbs, Facham, dabamHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-516Phylogenetic Insights in HIV and HCV2019-10-21Dr. Jeffrey B. Joy BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Department of Medicine, UBCHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-517Strategies to Improve HIV care for Indigenous People Living with HIV in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside2019-10-21Elder Roberta Price and Dr. David Tu, MD, CCFP Kílala Lelum Health CentreHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-518Syphilis2019-10-21Peter Phillips, MD, FRCPC Division of Infectious Diseases, St Paul’s HospitalHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-519The Status of the HIV Epidemic in BC A Brief Update2019-10-21Julio Montaner, OC, OBC, MD Executive Director & Physician-in-Chief, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; Head, HIV/AIDS Program, Providence Health Care; UBC-Killam Professor of MedicineHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43759-520What's New in HCV Therapy2019-10-21Alnoor Ramji Gastroenterology & Hepatology Clinical Associate Professor Division of Gastroenterology University Of British ColumbiaHIV/ARV Update - October 21, 2019
43761-521HIV Infection & Tropical Diseases2019-10-23Katherine Plewes, MSc, MD, DTMH, DPhil, FRCPC UBC Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases Honorary Visiting Research Fellow, Nuffield Dept of Medicine, University of Oxford PHAC CATMAT member & Canadian Malaria Network physicianHIV Care Rounds
43796-522Growing up with HIV2019-11-27Dr. Laura Sauve, MD, FRCPC (Pediatrics & Infectious Diseases), DTM&H Clinical Assistant Professor, Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, UBC and BC Children’s HospitalHIV Care Rounds
43803-523Curing Hepatitis C in People Living with HIV2019-12-04Speakers: Mark Hull, MD, FRCPC, MHSs Hesham Ali, Peer Navigator, JRC and Positive Health Services Clinic, Positive Living Society, British ColumbiaHIV/AIDS Webinar Learning Series
43811-524The HIV epidemic and the response in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019: Successes and Challenges2019-12-12Dr. Pedro Cahn, MD, PhD Professor, Infectious Diseases, Buenos Aires University Medical School Scientific Director, Fundación Huésped Co-Chair, CCASANET, the Caribbean, Central and South America NetworkHIV Care Rounds

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