Forecast Newsletter

BC-CfE strengthens delivery of HIV education to province’s health care practitioners

New condensed offering of preceptorship program now extended to family physicians and nurse practitioners in other health authorities It’s lunchtime, but Dr. Silvia Guillemi isn’t on break. Instead, she’s leading a learning session for a small group of health care providers at St. Paul’s Hospital. It’s not unusual for Dr. Guillemi to participate in these […]

BC-CfE strengthens delivery of HIV education to province’s health care practitioners Read More »

Supreme Court of Canada strikes down sex work laws in landmark decision

BC-CfE acted as intervener in case that is a critical step towards promoting health and safety, improving HIV prevention The Supreme Court of Canada has struck down the country’s anti-prostitution laws in a unanimous decision delivered on Dec. 20. The case of Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford was initiated in 2007 by three Ontario sex

Supreme Court of Canada strikes down sex work laws in landmark decision Read More »

Canada’s offer to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS falls short of international peers

Dr. Julio Montaner urges federal government to match key donors and deliver on the promise of an HIV- and AIDS-free generation in our lifetime. Following World AIDS Day on December 1, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria convened leaders from around the world in Washington, D.C. to make funding pledges to end

Canada’s offer to the Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS falls short of international peers Read More »

Memorandum of understanding cements relationship between China and B.C.

Dr Yu Wang, Director-General, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; Guy Saint-Jacques, Canadian Ambassador to China; Dr. Zunyou, Wu Director of the National Centre for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention / Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; and

Memorandum of understanding cements relationship between China and B.C. Read More »

Momentum builds globally as France and Brazil adopt Treatment as Prevention

Add Brazil to the growing list of countries to officially embrace the HIV Treatment as Prevention (TasP) strategy. In October, Brazil joined France as the second country in less than a month to announce plans to adopt the made-in-B.C. concept as their national policy to combat HIV/AIDS. “The momentum is increasing to implement this strategy,

Momentum builds globally as France and Brazil adopt Treatment as Prevention Read More »

Treatment as Prevention leads to B.C. having largest decline in rate of new HIV diagnoses

Policymakers need to adopt Treatment as Prevention as a national strategy to fight HIV/AIDS, urges researchers at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) in an article published this month in HIV Medicine. New HIV diagnoses in British Columbia are continuing to decline at a rate faster than in other Canadian regions, report researchers

Treatment as Prevention leads to B.C. having largest decline in rate of new HIV diagnoses Read More »

UNAIDS urges rapid expansion of access to HIV antiretroviral medicines

Ambassador Eric Goosby, U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator, far left, stands next to Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS, at the release of Treatment 2015 framework in Nigeria in July. BC-CfE champions approach to scale up antiretroviral treatment to 15 million people worldwide by 2015 The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) applauds the Joint

UNAIDS urges rapid expansion of access to HIV antiretroviral medicines Read More »

Research shows war on drugs failing to limit drug use in Vancouver

Researchers from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) released this month a comprehensive report on the drug situation in Vancouver at an event at the Carnegie Community Centre in the city’s Downtown Eastside. The Drug Situation in Vancouver report, published by the BC-CfE Urban Health Research Initiative (UHRI), compiled 15 years of data

Research shows war on drugs failing to limit drug use in Vancouver Read More »

‘Global responsibility is in front of us’ to implement guidelines, urges multi-disciplinary panel

‘Global responsibility is in front of us’ to implement guidelines, urges multi-disciplinary panel International HIV Treatment as Prevention Workshop opens with call for immediate scale-up of access to treatment This past April, hundreds of leading international HIV experts gathered in Vancouver for the 3rd International HIV Treatment as Prevention Workshop. The workshop began with an

‘Global responsibility is in front of us’ to implement guidelines, urges multi-disciplinary panel Read More »


Provincial government eyes Treatment as Prevention to fight viral hepatitis Application of BC-CfE’s HIV model could deliver a hepatitis-free generation to our province and be applied to other high burden diseases The Treatment as Prevention approach to fighting HIV has been so successful in British Columbia, the provincial government plans to implement a similar approach

Apr-13 Read More »