United Nations adopts ambitious 95-95-95-95 Target

On June 8th the United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on AIDS adopted a set of new and ambitious targets.

Based on the BC-CfE’s Treatment as Prevention¨ strategy, the political declaration calls on countries to: provide effective HIV combination prevention options to 95% of all people at risk of acquiring HIV; get 95% of people living with HIV aware of their HIV status; get 95% of people who know their status to be on HIV treatment; and for 95% of people on HIV treatment to be virally suppressed

If the global community works together and reaches theses targets, 3.6 million new HIV-infections and 1.7 million AIDS-related deaths will be prevented by 2030.

Please click the following links to learn more.

Press statement by UNAIDS: New global pledge to end all inequalities faced by communities and people affected by HIV towards ending AIDS.

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BC-CfE’s Executive Director and Physician-in-Chief Dr. Julio Montaner calls on Ottawa to commit to global HIV/AIDS targets.

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New York Times analysis of UN declaration on ending AIDS. How finding consensus on ambitious targets was achieved.

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