Treatment as Prevention®

Dr. Julio Montaner holds discussions with senior Vatican officials regarding Treatment as Prevention

Catholic Church a strong contributor to the fight against HIV and AIDS around the world Director of the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE), Dr. Julio Montaner, was met with a substantial level of interest as he brought to the Vatican examples of achievements in British Columbia through Treatment as Prevention (TasP). “It’s not

Dr. Julio Montaner holds discussions with senior Vatican officials regarding Treatment as Prevention Read More »

World AIDS Day letter: Made-in-Canada AIDS strategy a blueprint for targeted disease elimination

Proven model a cost-effective strategy to potentially eliminate other diseases such as hepatitis, writes Dr. Julio Montaner The national AIDS strategy is nearly a decade old and desperately needs updating. In B.C., our Treatment as Prevention (TasP) strategy has been successful in dramatically decreasing new cases of HIV and morbidity and mortality. It is now

World AIDS Day letter: Made-in-Canada AIDS strategy a blueprint for targeted disease elimination Read More »

Support base grows for advancing Treatment as Prevention as the global strategy

Vatican, Panama and formalized UNAIDS agreement add further momentum to saving lives, preventing infections and saving money Several recent international endorsements and agreements underline the growing universal acceptance of the made-in-BC Treatment as Prevention Strategy. Support from the Vatican, formalization of an agreement with the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and a Memorandum

Support base grows for advancing Treatment as Prevention as the global strategy Read More »

Memorandum of understanding cements relationship between China and B.C.

Dr Yu Wang, Director-General, Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention; Guy Saint-Jacques, Canadian Ambassador to China; Dr. Zunyou, Wu Director of the National Centre for AIDS/STD Control and Prevention / Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention; Christy Clark, Premier of B.C.; Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS; and

Memorandum of understanding cements relationship between China and B.C. Read More »

Treatment as Prevention leads to B.C. having largest decline in rate of new HIV diagnoses

Policymakers need to adopt Treatment as Prevention as a national strategy to fight HIV/AIDS, urges researchers at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) in an article published this month in HIV Medicine. New HIV diagnoses in British Columbia are continuing to decline at a rate faster than in other Canadian regions, report researchers

Treatment as Prevention leads to B.C. having largest decline in rate of new HIV diagnoses Read More »

July/August 2011

HIV Leaders Advance Treatment as Prevention at IAS 2011 BC-CfE-pioneered treatment strategy gathers momentum at global conference The recent 6th International AIDS Society (IAS) Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2011) was dominated by advances in and support for the Treatment as Prevention strategy to fight HIV and AIDS. The convention – which

July/August 2011 Read More »


UN recommends made-in-BC strategy to reshape global AIDS response Secretary-General’s report calls for linkage of treatment and prevention Treatment as Prevention, the groundbreaking HIV treatment paradigm pioneered at the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE), has been endorsed by a recently released United Nations report. The report identifies Treatment as Prevention as a key

Apr-11 Read More »


China chooses made-in-BC approach to combat HIV and AIDS worldwide World’s most populous nation embraces treatment as prevention The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) hosted a Chinese delegation led by Dr. Zunyou Wu last year to share their expertise on the internationally recognized treatment as prevention strategy and collaborate on the development of

Mar-11 Read More »