Treatment as Prevention¨

Pharmacists Play a Critical Role in Managing Changes to HIV Care During COVID-19

Since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, approximately 33 million people have died from HIV/AIDS and 76 million people have been infected with the virus, according to a virtual session at the National Association of Specialty Pharmacy (NASP) Annual Meeting & Expo 2020. During the session on the state of HIV care in 2020, Brandon

Pharmacists Play a Critical Role in Managing Changes to HIV Care During COVID-19 Read More »

Pioneering B.C. HIV/AIDS researcher honoured on new Canada Post stamp

A renowned British Columbia doctor is being celebrated for his pioneering work fighting HIV/AIDS with a new commemorative stamp. Dr. Julio Montaner is one of six distinguished Canadian doctors and researchers whose faces will grace the new run of stamps from Canada Post. Montaner, who moved to Vancouver from his native Argentina in 1981, is

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Recherche en santŽ : Postes Canada cŽlbre la contribution des Canadiens

Les docteurs Vera Peters, Bruce Chown, Julio Montaner, Blafour Mount, Ernest McColloch, ainsi que le chercheur James Till, sont honorŽs par la sociŽtŽ fŽdŽrale sur de nouveaux timbres à leur effigie. Grâce à leurs contributions, il y a des avancŽes notoires dans la prise en charge de plusieurs pathologies affectant aussi bien les jeunes que

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HIV Stigma Remains High, While Public’s Knowledge Remains Low

Shocking numbers of Americans still think one has to be “careful” around people living with HIV. The level of perceived and actual stigma around HIV remains high, while public knowledge about it remains low, even though there are effective treatments and reliable means of preventing transmission. Those are among the findings of GLAAD’s State of

HIV Stigma Remains High, While Public’s Knowledge Remains Low Read More »

Can U=U be used to reshape HIV programmes globally?

Research presented to the 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2020: Virtual) last week on ‘Undetectable = Untransmittable’ (U=U) indicates varying levels of awareness and acceptance of this powerful message, despite the conclusive finding that people living with HIV who have an undetectable viral cannot infect others. Launched in mid-2016 by activists and researchers in New

Can U=U be used to reshape HIV programmes globally? Read More »

Why HIV care services must continue during pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the global battle against infectious diseases. Several countries have made improvements in their fight against new HIV infections in recent years, but reports say the coronavirus crisis has undermined HIV prevention and sexual reproductive health services for key populations and affected communities worldwide. Even the world’s leading HIV conference

Why HIV care services must continue during pandemic Read More »

Many Canadians have played – and continue to play – a defining role in our nation’s health.

A special thank you to Kathleen Dickson and Dr. John Bergeron for pointing out that yes, indeed, there are also many women who have made – and continue to make – significant contributions to health. We have added their additions below, but this list is by no means complete. From open heart surgery to child-resistant

Many Canadians have played – and continue to play – a defining role in our nation’s health. Read More »

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