Treatment as Prevention¨

NMAC launches new campaign to fight proposed federal budget cuts to vital HIV services

Today, NMAC Launches “Save Our Services,” an innovative campaign created to empower Americans across the country in fighting the proposed federal budget cuts that would cause severe harm to vital HIV treatment and prevention services. SOS will enlist the advocacy of community volunteers to contact their representatives in Congress both in their home offices during […]

NMAC launches new campaign to fight proposed federal budget cuts to vital HIV services Read More »

Targeting MSM with HIV: Treatment as Prevention in the Netherlands

The Dutch government has been taking comprehensive steps to deal with HCV. In November 2015, they ruled to treat all patients with HCV, regardless of age, cirrhosis or fibrosis status, risk profile, injection drug use status or sexual orientation. As part of the national HIV guidelines, all individuals with HIV are screened for hepatitis C.

Targeting MSM with HIV: Treatment as Prevention in the Netherlands Read More »

Highlights of Vancouver drug-user group’s accomplishments over 20 years

The Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, or VANDU, is a 3,000-member advocacy group celebrating its 20th anniversary this month. Here’s a list of highlights: – 1997: Drug users led by community activists hold first meeting at a park, where they later plant 1,000 white crosses to recognize deaths of drug users in the Downtown

Highlights of Vancouver drug-user group’s accomplishments over 20 years Read More »

B.C. health researchers examine HIV rates among visible-minority men who have sex with men

While the good news is that overall HIV infections rates have been in decline in British Columbia, rates among men who have sex with men (MSM) are not. What’s more, the rate is in fact increasing among MSM who are visible minorities. Compounding this concern is the fact that there has been little to no

B.C. health researchers examine HIV rates among visible-minority men who have sex with men Read More »

Cuando todos van, Vidal viene, agasajos y confesiones, y la “búsqueda” del informante

Todo lo que tenŽs que saber sobre la realidad política, social, económica y cultural de Mar del Plata Todos van a La Plata y Buenos Aires, pero finalmente, las listas terminarán de definirse en Mar del Plata…Este miŽrcoles, dirigentes locales del radicalismo, del PRO y del Frente para la Victoria se dedicaron a negociar posiciones

Cuando todos van, Vidal viene, agasajos y confesiones, y la “búsqueda” del informante Read More »

El Dr. Julio Montaner será investido Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad FASTA

Invitado por las autoridades de la Universidad FASTA, el jueves 15 de junio el Dr. Julio Sergio Gonzalez Montaner, el experto internacional en HIV/AIDS será investido Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad FASTA. En dicho acto presentará su lección magistral titulada: “La estrategia 90-90-90. El tratamiento como prevención del HIV”. Montaner es mŽdico neumonólogo, investigador

El Dr. Julio Montaner será investido Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad FASTA Read More »

B.C. residents at risk of contracting HIV turn to online buyer’s club to afford pricey lifesaving drug

Website helps those at risk import cheaper generic version of drug that prevents HIV B.C. residents at risk of contracting HIV. are turning to an online buyer’s club to help them afford an anti-HIV drug that costs $1,000 a month and isn’t covered by the provincial drug plan. “It’s ridiculous we have to go to

B.C. residents at risk of contracting HIV turn to online buyer’s club to afford pricey lifesaving drug Read More »

8 medical breakthroughs Canadians should be proud of

Canadians are known for hockey, maple syrup and poutine, but what about their contributions to furthering medicine? Turns out, Canada is responsible for handfuls of medical breakthroughs from Pablum to insulin and child-resistant medicine bottles. “There are many examples of Canadian physicians who have really been successful in changing the way medicine is being practiced

8 medical breakthroughs Canadians should be proud of Read More »

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