Treatment as Prevention¨

As an HIV-Positive Man, These Are the 5 Questions I’m Asked Most Often About Dating

I am an HIV-positive, 50-year-old gay man. I tested positive for HIV in 2013, when I was 45 years old. I seroconverted during the time of antiretrovirals and PrEP. Months after testing positive I was labeled “undetectable,” meaning that thanks to those antiretrovirals and access to good health care, I can no longer transmit the

As an HIV-Positive Man, These Are the 5 Questions I’m Asked Most Often About Dating Read More »

Closing treatment gaps critical to ending the U.S. HIV epidemic, experts say

Daily antiretroviral therapy (ART) that suppresses HIV to levels undetectable by standard blood tests is lifesaving for individuals living with HIV and prevents sexual transmission of the virus to others. The public health community must use targeted interventions, however, to do a better job of reaching populations with low levels of viral suppression, according to

Closing treatment gaps critical to ending the U.S. HIV epidemic, experts say Read More »

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM

Biomedical research demonstrating the benefits of taking HIV treatment to prevent HIV transmission (known as treatment as prevention, or TasP) has developed substantially in recent years. We are now able to say with confidence that an HIV-positive person who takes antiretroviral treatment (ART) and maintains an undetectable viral load cannot pass HIV to a sexual

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM Read More »

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent over half of people living with HIV in Canada, so this community stands to benefit from using TasP¨ as a highly effective strategy for HIV prevention.

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM Read More »

Town Talk: Indigenous feast kicks off Harmony Arts Festival

WONG’S WAY: Cantonese opera master Hoi Seng Leong appeared at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Classical Chinese Garden recently with Yuk Fung Cheung, who is a student at his Richmond-based academy. They performed the Fragrant Sacrifice finale from The Flower Princess, which some call China’s Romeo and Juliet story. As in Shakespeare’s day, Cantonese opera long

Town Talk: Indigenous feast kicks off Harmony Arts Festival Read More »

Criminalisation du VIH : pour une justice de faits !

Mercredi 25 juillet, c’est un enjeu crucial pour la vie des personnes qui a ŽtŽ discutŽ à la confŽrence d’Amsterdam. Dans le monde, les lois criminalisant la transmission voire la simple exposition au VIH restent lŽgion. La communautŽ scientifique rŽunie à Amsterdam a voulu rŽaffirmer la primautŽ des faits et des preuves scientifique, et combattre

Criminalisation du VIH : pour une justice de faits ! Read More »

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