Treatment as Prevention¨

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorses the made-in-BC Strategy of Treatment as Prevention

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced today that “Treatment as Prevention” is integral to the global fight against HIV/AIDS. “Let’s end the old debate over treatment versus prevention and embrace treatment as prevention,” she said this morning in Washington, D.C. Clinton emphasized that effective drug treatment is key to preventing further transmission of HIV

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton endorses the made-in-BC Strategy of Treatment as Prevention Read More »

A global plea for treatment

The clock is ticking. Dr. Julio Montaner, the world-renowned HIV researcher of the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, has made an urgent plea to the medical community to recognize that treating patients with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) doubles as an effective tool against the spread of the incurable virus. Montaner and his team

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Extender la detección precoz y la terapia reduce los contagios de VIH

Extender las pruebas de diagnóstico precoz del VIH y ofrecer fármacos antirretrovirales a todos los seropositivos es la manera más eficaz de contener la epidemia del sida, y a medio plazo tambiŽn la más barata, según ha demostrado Julio Montaner, ex presidente de la Sociedad Internacional del Sida, en una serie de estudios que ha

Extender la detección precoz y la terapia reduce los contagios de VIH Read More »

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