Treatment as Prevention¨

MOSH brings health care to people living on the streets, while Halifax faces HIV outbreak.

It’s a Thursday morning in March, and the red Toyota Sienna is ready to start on its route from the North End Community Health Centre on Gottingen Street through the streets of Halifax. To most, the van goes unnoticed. Besides the slightly raised ceiling, the only distinguishing feature on the van is a vanity plate

MOSH brings health care to people living on the streets, while Halifax faces HIV outbreak. Read More »

Scientists have found a way to completely stop the spread of HIV

The end of the era of AIDS can be a matter of time after a large-scale study of 1,000 males whose HIV infection was completely suppressed with antiretroviral drugs, didn’t infect their partners. “The success of the therapy means that if all HIV-positive people received treatment, further spread of the infection would not happen,” writes

Scientists have found a way to completely stop the spread of HIV Read More »

U=U vs. TasP

Undetectable equals Untransmittable/U=U vs. Treatment as Prevention (TasP). One has captured the imagination of people living with HIV (PLWH) around the world while the other seems to have disappeared. U=U was created by community to empower PLWH to have an undetectable viral load so they can’t transmit HIV. TasP was created by scientists to explain

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Drugmaker Gilead Is Making HIV Prevention Meds More Accessible

Earlier this month, pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences announced that it will donate enough HIV prevention drug Truvada to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to benefit 200,000 people at risk for HIV. While news of the announcement was met positively, it also came ahead of some other negative headlines surrounding the drugmaker, coupled

Drugmaker Gilead Is Making HIV Prevention Meds More Accessible Read More »

Houston Health Department launches I am Life™ campaign to educate audiences about preventing HIV through PrEP, Treatment as Prevention (TasP) to end HIV transmission

A high number of HIV cases among the LGBTQ community’s African-American and Hispanic populations has become one of the top health crises in the Houston area and the southern United States. Specifically, the sub-groups at greater risk of acquiring HIV are African-American and Hispanic men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender people of

Houston Health Department launches I am Life™ campaign to educate audiences about preventing HIV through PrEP, Treatment as Prevention (TasP) to end HIV transmission Read More »

Structure of T cell epitopes a decisive factor in natural HIV control, study finds

Researchers apply network theory to HIV protein structure, uncovering a vital link between connectivity and protective immune response. In 2017, nearly 37 million people were living with HIV worldwide, according to the Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS). Current treatments for the virus, which becomes AIDS in its most advanced stage, involve a combination

Structure of T cell epitopes a decisive factor in natural HIV control, study finds Read More »

加中醫療研究撇政治 愛滋病防治合作無間

中國疾病控制與預防中心,早前與卑詩省愛滋病/愛滋病毒卓越研究中心(BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS)簽署愛滋病治療及預防合作協議,中國疾控中心流行病學首席專家吳尊友,日前到訪卑詩,昨日接受本報記者專訪時表示,兩國醫療合作不會受到加中關係及個別事件的影響。他更表示,今次出訪加國所辦理的手續都甚為順利,沒有出現問題。 健康服務不應有國界限制 吳尊友周三向本報記者稱,中國疾控中心自2010年即與卓越研究中心展開交流,去年更再次簽署為期3年的協議,繼續在愛滋病治療及預防方面展開合作,包括派研究人員前來卑詩省學習及研究。此次他到訪卑詩,也是履行協議中的一些研究任務。 他指出,中國感染愛滋病毒的人數仍在增加,疾控中心曾嘗試在夫妻只有一方感染愛滋病毒的「單陽家庭」派發安全套,以防止病毒傳播,但這一方法僅在中原地區有效,在一些偏遠邊疆地區卻收效甚微。而卑詩愛滋病卓越中心首創的「預防愛滋病毒治療」(TasP)方法,卻成功地解決了這個問題。以往愛滋病患者是否服藥要根據其免疫功能狀況,而預防治療法則毋須參考這一標準,直接使用藥物防止患者通過體液傳播病毒,有效控制愛滋病的傳播。 2011年,中國成為第一個宣布採用卓越中心開創的預防愛滋病毒治療方法的國家,並將該治療納入國家愛滋病防治政策,大規模增加了愛滋病病毒的檢測。 僅在2017年,中國就進行了2億次愛滋病病毒檢測。 吳尊友說,以往在中國邊疆地區,1,000個單陽家庭中有30個患者會將病毒傳染給另一半,而使用預防治療法後,2017年這一數字下降至7個。 卑詩省愛滋病卓越中心主任蒙塔納(Julio Montaner)表示,預防愛滋病毒治療方法可以有效控制愛滋病毒在高危人群中的傳播,而通過與中方的合作,他看到這一方法在中國可以切實得到實施,且取得非常好的成效。 對於加中關係緊張,令兩國在不少領域的合作都受到影響,蒙塔納表示,公共醫療領域不應有國界限制,因為病毒傳播起來也是沒有疆域限制的。 吳尊友亦不認為加中關係會對醫療及科技領域的合作造成影響,他稱健康服務沒有政治色彩,他此次辦理赴加手續亦非常順利,獲得加拿大駐華使館簽發的5年多次往返簽證,非常有利他與卓越研究中心的合作與交流。 圖文:本報記者王學文

加中醫療研究撇政治 愛滋病防治合作無間 Read More »

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Canada Post has provided notification of restarting their operations on December 17, 2024. As Canada Post ramps up and stabilizes their services, the BC-CfE will continue the following measures on an interim basis to minimize service disruption to BC-CfE clients and providers.

  • The BC-CfE Laboratory will utilize private courier for delivery of outgoing reports and documents. (Lab Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8775; FAX 604-806-9463)
  • The BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program (DTP) will fax outgoing forms and documents to the provider’s office. (DTP Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8515; FAX 604-806-9044)
  • St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy will utilize private courier for delivery of medications. (Contact Information: Phone 1-800-547-3622; FAX 604-806-8675)