Primary Care Guidelines

There has been a significant decrease in the morbidity and mortality of people living with HIV (PLWH) in the province of British Columbia since the introduction of potent antiretroviral treatment in 1996.

The Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of HIV/AIDS in Adults in British Columbia, along with other therapeutic guidelines, have been developed by the BC-CfE to provide support for care and treatment programs for PLWH. These guidelines also respond to the need to expand HIV treatment to meet the goals of 90-90-90 in British Columbia and respond to requests from primary care providers in the community for HIV-specific guidelines.


To provide consensus-based guidelines for the management of primary care for PLWH.

To provide practical and easily accessible information and resources for primary care providers of PLWH in the province of British Columbia.


Toxoplasma Serology

Updated: November 2022


Table 3.3, Toxoplasma IgG serology, has been updated for agreement with the existing recommendations provided in the body of the Primary Care Guidelines. Toxoplasma IgG serology is indicated in all persons, regardless of CD4 cell count (Table 3.3). Previous versions stated toxoplasma IgG serology is indicated in persons with CD4 cell count <200 cells/mm3.