The Comparative Outcomes And Service Utilization Trends (COAST) study is a population-based study that aims to examine the health outcomes and health service use of HIV-positive men and women, including both those who are accessing and not accessing antiretroviral therapy, as compared to a random ten percent sample of the total population of British Columbia (BC). The study comprises two defined cohorts of adults (≥ 19 years) differentiated by their HIV status and with de-identified health-related data on antiretroviral and health service use from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Population Data BC, respectively. The study currently has linked data from 1996 to 2013, with future data linkages planned for additional years.
COAST has two major aims: 1) to evaluate health outcomes related to antiretroviral and health care services use among HIV-positive adults; and, 2) to assess how these health outcomes differ from those observed in a random sample of the total population of BC. COAST is uniquely positioned to assess health outcomes and resource utilization because it is the only study that allows a comparison between HIV-positive individuals and the general population of British Columbia, on a population-wide basis. The COAST study is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).
For more information, please contact the COAST Team (email:, phone: 604-806-8477 ext. 66878).
Research Summaries
Changes in Mortality Rates and Causes of Death in a Population-Based Cohort of Persons Living with and Without HIV from 1996 to 2012
In this study, we aimed to characterize and compare changes over time (from 1996 to 2012) in mortality rates and causes of death among persons living with and without HIV in British Columbia.
Citation: Eyawo O, Franco-Villalobos C, Hull MW, Nohpal A, Samji H, Sereda P, Lima VD, Shoveller J, Moore D, Montaner JS, Hogg RS; Comparative Outcomes And Service Utilization Trends (COAST) study. Changes in mortality rates and causes of death in a population-based cohort of persons living with and without HIV from 1996 to 2012. BMC Infect Dis. 2017 Feb 27;17(1):174.
Posters and Presentations
IWHOD 2019
Kibel M, Wu A, Closson K, St-Jean M, Marziali M, Gusti-Ayu NN, Salters K, McLinden T, Eyawo O, Patterson T, Moore D, Elefante J, Joe R, Barrios R, Hogg R, Lima V for the COAST study team. . Mental Health Diagnoses in a Population-Based Cohort of People Living with HIV. 23rd Annual International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases (IWHOD). March 28-30, 2019. Athens, Greece. (Poster presentation)
Tafessu HM, St-Jean M, Lu M, Salters K, Eyawo O, Hogg RS,Montaner JSG, Lima VD, for the COAST Study Team. . Health Disparities Among People Living with HIV and the General Population in British Columbia, Canada. 23rd International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases (IWHOD 2019). March 28-30, 2019. Athens, Greece.
CROI 2018
Closson K , Salters K , Patterson TL , Eyawo O , Chau W , Ye M , Hull M , Lima VD , Montaner JS , Hogg RS. Rates of mortality among schizophrenic people living with and without HIV. Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections. March 4-7, 2018. Boston, MA, United States.
IWHOD 2018
Salters K, Hogg RS, Ye M, Lu M, Lima VD, Guillemi S, Cooper C. Prescription androgen use and risk of liver disease, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality among people living with HIV. 22nd International Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases. March 22-24, 2018. Fuengirola, Spain.
Burchell AN, Salters K, Ye M, Lu M, Hull M, Harris M, Cooper C, Antoniou T, Cotterchio M, Lindsay J & Hogg RS. Burden of cancer among people on HIV antiretroviral therapy, British Columbia, 2000-2012. Workshop on HIV and Hepatitis Observational Databases. March 22-24, 2018. Fuengirola, Spain.
CAHR Presentations
Salters K, Hogg RS, Ye M, Lu M, Lima VD, Guillemi S, Cooper C. Prescription androgen use and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality among men living with HIV. 27th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Burchell A, Salters K, Ye M, Eyawo O, Lu M, Hull M, Harris M, Cooper C, Antoniou T, Cotterchio M, Lindsay J, Hogg RS. Cancer among people on HIV antiretroviral therapy, British Columbia, 2000-2012: Comparison of Outcomes and Service Utilization Trends (COAST) Cohort Study. 27th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Vizcarra P, Salters K, Eyawo O, Ye M, Lu M, Bennett M, Montaner JSG, Hogg RS, Guillemi S. Outcomes of atrial fibrillation (AF) in people living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PLHIV) in British Columbia, Canada. 27 th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lother SA, Eyawo O, Wu A, Ye M, Sereda P, Lima VD, Salters K, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Hull M. Differences in HCV prevalence, treatment uptake, and liver-related events in urban vs. rural HIV/HCV co-Infected residents of British Columbia. 27 th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Tafessu HM, St-Jean M, Salters K, Eyawo O, Card KG, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Lima VD. The compounding impact of comorbidities on mortality among people living with HIV: A marginal structural model analysis in the COAST Study. 27 th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Salters K, Wang L, Chau W, Closson K, Montaner JSG, Hogg RS. Overdose, chronic disease and HIV-related complications driving mortality outcomes among marginalized populations of people living with HIV. 27 th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research. April 26-29, 2018. Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Burchell A, Salters K, Ye M, Lu M, Hull M, Harris M, Cooper C, Antoniou T, Cotterchio M, Lindsay J, Hogg RS. Burden of cancer among people on HIV antiretroviral therapy, British Columbia, 2000‐2012: Findings from the Comparison of Outcomes and Service Utilization Trends (COAST) Cohort. Forefront lecture. February 21, 2018. BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS.
Manuscript Publications
Smith DM, Salters KA, Eyawo O, Franco-Villalobos C, Jabbari S, Wiseman SM, Press N, Montaner JS, Man SP, Hull M, Hogg RS. Mortality among people living with HIV/AIDS with non-small-cell lung cancer in the modern HAART Era. AIDS care. 2018 Feb 8:1-7.
Robert S. Hogg, Julio Montaner, Oghenowede Eyawo, Alex Collins1, Wendy Zhang, William Chau, Mark W. Hull, Viviane D. Lima, Jeannie Shoveller, Rolando Barrios. The State of Health: The Impact of Select Comorbidities on Life Expectancy. Abstract # CS3.5. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Mark Hull, Lianping Ti, Oghenowede Eyawo, Wendy Zhang, Shahab Jabbari, Robert S. Hogg, Julio Montaner. Incidence of end-stage liver disease and liver-related mortality in HCV mono-infected vs. HIV/HCV coinfected patients in British Columbia. Abstract # EPH3.1. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Katherine J. Lepik, Conrado Franco-Villalobos, Shahab Jabbari, Ryan F. Paterson, Mark W. Hull, Oghenowede Eyawo, Robert S. Hogg, Viviane Dias Lima, Julio S. Montaner, Rolando Barrios. Incidence of renal stones in persons treated with atazanavir versus other antiretrovirals: A population-based study. Abstract # CSP4.02. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Brent J. Gali, Shahab Jabbari, Huiting Ma, Oghenowede Eyawo, Viviane Lima, Kimberlyn McGrail, Robert Hogg, David Moore. Impact of Expanded Access to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy on Chronic Comorbidities among HIV-Positive individuals in British Columbia Abstract # CSP5.07. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Sarah Kesselring, Shahab Jabbari, Conrado Franco-Villalobos, Oghenowede Eyawo, Tareq Ahmed, Mark Hull, Robert Hogg. Factors Associated with Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative British Columbians Abstract # EPHP5.02. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Kalysha Closson, Chuck Osborne, Sarah Kesselring, Shahab Jabbari, Conrado Franco-Villalobos, Danielle Smith, Tareq Ahmed, Oghenowede Eyawo, Thomas Patterson, Mark Hull, Robert Hogg. Factors Associated with Mood Disorder Diagnosis Among HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Individuals in British Columbia Abstract # EPHP5.03. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Danielle M. Smith, Conrado Franco-Villalobos, Guillaume Colley, Tareq Ahmed, Oghenowede Eyawo, Mark Hull, Robert Hogg. Incidence and Survival of Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Among HIV Positive and HIV Negative Individuals in British Columbia, Canada Abstract # EPHP5.07. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Lauren J. MacKenzie, Denise Jaworsky, Lianping Ti, Hayden Kremer, Shahab Jabbari, Oghenowede Eyawo, Conrado Franco-Villalobos, Susan Shurgold, Guillaume Colley, Robert S. Hogg, Julio S. Montaner, Mark W. Hull. Rurality is associated with an increased likelihood of readmission to hospital within 30 days among individuals living with HIV Abstract # EPHP13.05. 25th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 12-15, 2016
Samji H, Shopin D, Zhang W, et al. Elevated rates of injury among HIV-positive individuals in British Columbia. Abstract 1055. Poster presented at: Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI); February 23-26, 2015; Seattle, USA.
O. Eyawo, A. Nohpal, P. Sereda, H. Samji, M. Hull, V. Lima, G. Colley, D. Moore, J. Montaner, R.S. Hogg. Shifting mortality rates and cause of death in the HAART era (1996-2010) among HIV-positive individuals: a comparison with the general population. Poster Presentation, International Workshop on HIV Observational Databases (IWHOD), Sicily. March 26-28, 2015
Eyawo, O; Nohpal, A; Sereda, P; Samji, H; Hull, M; Lima, V; Colley, G; Moore, D; Montaner, JS; Hogg, RS. Shifting mortality rates and cause of death in the combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) era among HIV positive individuals: a comparison with the general population. Abstract O104. 24th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research April 28-May 3, 2015; Toronto, Canada
Gali, B; Chau, W; Zhang, W; Eyawo, O; Samji, H; Lima, V; McGrail, K; Hogg, RS; Moore, D. Trends of non-HIV chronic comorbidities among HIV-positive individuals on highly active antiretrovial therapy in British Columbia. Abstract WEPEB355. 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment & Prevention July 19-22, 2015; Vancouver, Canada
Samji, H; Shopin, D; Zhang, W; Eyawo, O; Colley, G; Hull, M; Montaner, JS; Hogg, RS. Rates and Predictors of Injury among HIV-Positive Individuals in British Columbia, Canada. Abstract WEPEB356. 8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment & Prevention July 19-22, 2015; Vancouver, Canada
Eyawo O, Colley G, Cescon A, Shopin D, Samji H, Hull M, Montaner JS, Hogg RS. Cohort Profile: Comparison of outcomes and service utilization trends (COAST study) between HIV-positive individuals and the general population of British Columbia 1996-2010. 23rd Annual Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2014). St. John’s, NL. May 1-4, 2014. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 25 Suppl A Spring 2014, Abstract O069
Hull M, Gustafson R, Cescon A, Dmitry S, Zhang W, Colley G, Eyawo O, Samji H, Hogg RS, Montaner JS. Elevated healthcare utilization rates amongst HIV-positive individuals preceding diagnosis compared to the general population in British Columbia. 23rd Annual Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2014). St. John’s, NL. May 1-4, 2014. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 25 Suppl A Spring 2014, Abstract P132
Hull M, Cescon A, Dmitry S, Cui Z, Colley G, Eyawo O, Samji H, Hogg RS, Montaner JS. Incidence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bacterial pneumonias are elevated in HIV-positive individuals compared to the general population in British Columbia (BC). 23rd Annual Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2014). St. John’s, NL. May 1-4, 2014. Can J Infect Dis Med Microbiol Vol 25 Suppl A Spring 2014, Abstract O040
Eyawo O, Colley G, Cescon A, et al. Cohort profile: the comparative outcomes and service utilization trends (COAST) study – a comparison between HIV- positive individuals and a random sample of the general population of British Columbia, Canada 1996-2010. Abstract WEPE164. 20th International AIDS Conference; July 20-25, 2014; Melbourne, Australia
O. Eyawo, K. Chan, D. Shopin, A. Cescon, G. Colley, H. Samji, M. Hull, S.A. Lear, J.S. Montaner, R.S. Hogg. Life expectancy of HIV-positive individuals in the HAART era (1996-2010) compared to life expectancy in the general population: a longitudinal analysis of the COAST cohort from British Columbia (BC), Canada. Abstract MOPE091. 20th International AIDS Conference; July 20-25, 2014; Melbourne, Australia
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