
How immune cells can recognize-and control-HIV when therapy is interrupted

Immune cells that can recognize residual HIV-infected cells in people living with HIV (PLWH) who take antiretroviral therapy (ART) remain active for years, says a new study published today in eLife. The findings also suggest the majority of these immune cells, called CD8+ T cells, should have the capacity to detect the HIV-infected cells that

How immune cells can recognize-and control-HIV when therapy is interrupted Read More »

Earlier testing and tracing could have prevented spread of COVID-19 in U.S. and Europe

Earlier testing and contact tracing might have prevented SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, from becoming established in the United States and Europe, suggests a new study recently published in Science. For the study, an international research team-including UBC scientist Dr. Jeffrey Joy-reconstructed the spread of SARS-CoV-2 across the world using genomic data from coronavirus

Earlier testing and tracing could have prevented spread of COVID-19 in U.S. and Europe Read More »

Variation in HIV-1 Nef Function within and among Viral Subtypes Reveals Genetically Separable Antagonism of SERINC3 and SERINC5

Can you provide a brief overview of your lab’s current research focus? Our joint lab groups at Simon Fraser University and the BC Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS investigate HIV pathogenesis and the human immune response to viral infection. We use molecular, cell biology and genetics approaches to examine host/pathogen interactions that may inform the

Variation in HIV-1 Nef Function within and among Viral Subtypes Reveals Genetically Separable Antagonism of SERINC3 and SERINC5 Read More »

How Coronavirus Took Hold in North America and Europe, Igniting Major COVID-19 Outbreaks

Early interventions were effective at stamping out coronavirus infections, but subsequent, poorly monitored travel allowed the virus to ignite major outbreaks in Europe and North America, according to a new study. A new study combines evolutionary genomics from coronavirus samples with computer-simulated epidemics and detailed travel records to reconstruct the spread of coronavirus across the

How Coronavirus Took Hold in North America and Europe, Igniting Major COVID-19 Outbreaks Read More »

Genetic sleuths flesh out the story of how coronavirus got its start in Washington

Detailed genetic analyses of the strains of virus that cause COVID-19 suggest that the outbreak took hold in Washington state in late January or early February, but went undetected for weeks. That’s the upshot of two studies published by the journal Science, based on separate efforts to trace the genetic fingerprints of the coronavirus known

Genetic sleuths flesh out the story of how coronavirus got its start in Washington Read More »

COVID-19 : des interventions prŽcoces plus efficaces qu’on ne le croyait, selon une Žtude

Une Žtude suggre que les efforts de traçage des contacts aprs l’apparition des premiers cas de COVID-19 aux États-Unis et en Allemagne ont portŽ fruit en janvier, la transmission communautaire ne prenant racine que des semaines plus tard. Les rŽsultats de l’Žtude contredisent ceux de travaux antŽrieurs selon lesquels le coronavirus avait continuŽ de se

COVID-19 : des interventions prŽcoces plus efficaces qu’on ne le croyait, selon une Žtude Read More »

2020 Tri-Agency Award Recipients

The Tri-Agency Awards are awarded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC). These awards support outstanding students pursuing a doctoral or master’s degree in a health-related field. … Aniqa Shahid: CIHR Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada

2020 Tri-Agency Award Recipients Read More »

Prescriptions for medication to stop the spread of HIV fall by 30% in B.C. during the pandemic

Number of new people signing up to take the medication in Vancouver also drops When British Columbians were told to stay home and stay safe at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Denis Laferriere did exactly that. It also meant that his dating life was put on hold. So, Laferriere decided to stop taking his

Prescriptions for medication to stop the spread of HIV fall by 30% in B.C. during the pandemic Read More »