
Zabrina Brumme named Laboratory Director of BC Centre for Excellence

VANCOUVER, BC – The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) announced Dr. Zabrina Brumme has been appointed Director of Canada’s leading HIV laboratory program. . Dr. Brumme will be on secondment from her position as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University (SFU), where she additionally holds a Michael […]

Zabrina Brumme named Laboratory Director of BC Centre for Excellence Read More »

Mutated HIV Strain May be Causing Earlier AIDS Symptoms

New research warns that mutated strains of HIV detected in Saskatchewan, Canada, appear to be leading to faster-developing AIDS-related illnesses. The research, published this month in the science journal “AIDS“, came about after health workers reported rapidly-growing HIV rates in 2016 in the west Canadian province of Saskatchewan, with the vast majority of cases among

Mutated HIV Strain May be Causing Earlier AIDS Symptoms Read More »

Descoberta mutação do VIH na província canadiana de Saskatchewan

Uma mutação de estirpes do VIH pode levar a um desenvolvimento mais acelerado de doenças relacionadas com a sida, de acordo com um estudo feito na região canadiana de Saskatchewan, que tem das taxas mais altas da doença neste país da AmŽrica do Norte, revela um estudo publicado na revista científica Aids, tambŽm noticiado pelo

Descoberta mutação do VIH na província canadiana de Saskatchewan Read More »

Mutated HIV strain in Canada is turning into AIDS much faster than usual, report warns

A mutated strain of HIV spotted in Canada is driving sufferers to develop AIDS quicker than usual, a study reveals. The strain is circulating in Saskatchewan, where 80 percent of people diagnosed with the illness are Indigenous. Doctors started reporting alarmingly rapid declines among patients in 2016, when the rate of HIV infections rocketed to

Mutated HIV strain in Canada is turning into AIDS much faster than usual, report warns Read More »

Mutated HIV strains in Canada may cause quicker illness, study finds

Strains circulating in Saskatchewan, where nearly 80% of infected are indigenous, may lead to faster development of related viruses Mutated strains of HIV circulating in a Canadian province where HIV rates rank among the highest in North America could be leading to the more rapid development of Aids-related illnesses, according to new research. The research,

Mutated HIV strains in Canada may cause quicker illness, study finds Read More »

Des souches mutantes de VIH en Saskatchewan

AMSTERDAM – Des souches mutantes de VIH qui circulent en Saskatchewan entraînent le dÂŽveloppement plus rapide de maladies liÂŽes au sida chez la population autochtone, affirme une nouvelle ÂŽtude. La recherche du Centre d’excellence sur le VIH / sida de la Colombie-Britannique et de l’UniversitÂŽ Simon Fraser a ÂŽtÂŽ prÂŽsentÂŽe jeudi, dans le cadre de

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Mutated strains of HIV in Sask. causing AIDS-related illnesses quicker: study

Mutated strains of HIV circulating in Saskatchewan are leading to faster-developing AIDS-related illnesses in the Indigenous population, new research has shown. The research from the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS and Simon Fraser University was presented at the 2018 AIDS Conference in Amsterdam on Thursday. It showed that the strains of HIV in Saskatchewan

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Une mutation du VIH en Saskatchewan alarme la communautÂŽ scientifique

La progression anormalement rapide du VIH en Saskatchewan est due à une mutation du virus lui permettant de rŽsister à la rŽponse immunitaire dŽclenchŽe par les personnes infectŽes, affirme une Žtude menŽe par des universitaires de la Colombie-Britannique. Une mutation clŽ a ŽtŽ trouvŽe dans plus de 80 % des souches du VIH en Saskatchewan,

Une mutation du VIH en Saskatchewan alarme la communautŽ scientifique Read More »

Today, Panama cites TasP success in reducing HIV morbidity and mortality

According to health officials, Panama’s embrace of Treatment as Prevention® (TasP® ) since 2014 has resulted in quicker diagnosis, as well as accelerating the linkage of patients to antiretroviral therapy (ART) clinics. The country’s HIV diagnoses curve has stabilized in recent years and officials expect it will decrease in the coming years. “We have achieved

Today, Panama cites TasP success in reducing HIV morbidity and mortality Read More »