World AIDS Day – reflecting on progress in HIV battle

Queenslanders are urged to reflect on the inroads Queensland has made in combatting HIV in our community on World AIDS Day 2015 on December 1.

Shadow Health Minister Mark McArdle said Queensland could be proud of the successes of the HIV Foundation Queensland (HIVFQ), now in its second year.

“The LNP Government and the HIVFQ launched the Queensland HIV Strategy 2013-2015 which identified targets towards eliminating new HIV transmissions in Queensland,” Mr McArdle said.

“This included an E.N.D. H.I.V. awareness campaign aimed at both target populations and the wider community.

“It’s important that Queenslanders are armed with the facts and informed about what treatments are available.”

Mr McArdle said in addition to educating the public, the LNP and HIVFQ increased access to preventative equipment, such as condoms and sterile injection equipment, as well as HIV testing.

“Through the HIVFQ we have seen 2300 rapid HIV tests being taken in 2015 – this is a great testament to the work the foundation does,” he said.

“World AIDS Day is also a timely reminder that these tests are available and accessible to the community through groups such as RAPID at HIVFQ.”

Mr McArdle said that Queensland was at the forefront on sexual health research as a result of the investment in the HIVFQ and the strategy.

“We established a sexually transmitted infections Professorial Chair position which builds on and complements existing academic and clinical networks to facilitate the growth of research in Queensland,” he said.

“In 2014, the LNP Government signed an historical agreement between the health department, HIVFQ and the British Columbia Centre for Excellence at the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne.

“Queensland was the first state in Australia to enter into a partnership of this kind to help advance a strategy for HIV treatment as prevention.”

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