We’re in an HIV prevention revolution. Where is the excitement? | We are living a revolution in HIV prevention. Where’s the excitement?

We’re in the Midst of an HIV prevention revolution. Over the past Few years, we-have Gained new knowledge and tools to prevent prevention HIV, from pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to the knowledge That year undetectable viral load Dramatically Reduces the risk of transmission.

So where is the excitement, Especially in Communities hardest hit by HIV? In Canada, gay and bisexual men are 71 times more Likely To Become Infected with HIV than men –other.Why are not new thesis prevention strategies being white Shouted from the rooftops of more organisms That serves gay men?

Well, by reason of the Service Is That providers are grappling with the HIV prevention Rapidly changing landscape. They are increasingly try trying to Convey complex sexual health information in a way That resonates with gay men and the context of Their Lives.

I Learned this through a series of focus groups and telephone interviews I Conducted with 30 gay men’s Service providers in Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal entre December 2013 and July 2014. An initiative of the Resonance Project, we wanted to find out how providers services are succeeding Struggling and to meet the new challenges of HIV prevention knowledge.

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