President’s Message
It is a great honour and privilege to take on the role of CAHR President for the next two years. With a membership of more than 1,000 researchers and others interested in HIV research, the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR) is the leading organization of HIV researchers in Canada. I look forward to working with you to achieve our mandate of promoting excellence in HIV research, fostering collaboration, mentoring the next generation of researchers and supporting knowledge translation.
Of course, CAHR is best known for its annual conference and with this in mind I would like to thank the researchers, community members, policy makers and others from coast to coast who came to Vancouver this past April. The 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS Research (CAHR 2013) allowed the nearly 900 attendees to share the latest scientific advances in the field, learn from one another’s expertise, and develop new ways to treat and prevent HIV. All of the major sessions from the Conference can be found on the CAHR website, as well as an retrospective of the meeting as a whole. In the coming months an overview of the conference sessions will appear as a supplement in the Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases & Medical Microbiology. I hope you enjoyed this year’s conference andfound it to be a worthwhile learning experience. I thank you for your contributions, participation and support.
Bob Hogg, PhD
Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR)
Director; Epidemiology and Population Health Program, BC-Cfe