Undetectable: Fear, Filters And Grindr

Recently, what’s perceived as an HIV filter option on Grindr has caused controversy and discussion among gay men. This development has left people understandably distressed as they worry that it allows the filtering out of HIV-positive guys. But I think we are missing the bigger issue. It’s not just about the existence of the filter but it’s about why men feel the need to use such a filter in the first place.

Filtering is simply an act of ignorance and fear. Avoiding someone who knows that they are HIV-positive is a bad strategy for staying negative. The science is overwhelmingly clear: if someone is undetectable, meaning the amount of virus in the blood is so low it can’t be detected, it’s virtually impossible for the virus to be transmitted. Furthermore, there are still plenty of very effective options for protecting yourself from HIV, such as condoms, PrEP, or PEP if you don’t want to rely on the undetectable status of someone else.

We must encourage gay men to take control and make informed choices about the risks they are willing to take. It’s bad science and simply doesn’t work to eschew poz guys while taking risk with guys who might think they are negative. Someone may believe they are HIV-negative but actually be undiagnosed as HIV-positive and have a very high viral load. Prevention is about understanding risk and what options you are comfortable taking to prevent HIV while also pursuing pleasure and intimacy.

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