Study finds zero HIV transmissions when partner on treatment has undetectable viral load

A new study has found zero cases of HIV transmission between sero-discordant partners where the partner with HIV has an undetectable viral load.

The PARTNER study, which included 1,166 serodifferent couples at 75 clinical sites in 14 European countries, has been released in time for the International AIDS Conference 2016 in Durban, South Africa.

Researchers say their subject couples had sex up to 58,000 times in all with no HIV infection linked to them.

Nicolas Parkhill, CEO of the AIDS Council of NSW, said the PARTNER study will go some way in breaking down the stigma surrounding HIV that still unfortunately permeates our community.

“The evidence has been building for a while now that an undetectable viral load is an effective means by which HIV transmission can be prevented and this study can only now confirm that messaging,” Parkhill told GNN.

“This result emphasises the importance of early and continued treatment, along with other prevention strategies such as condoms and PrEP, in virtually eliminating new HIV notifications by 2020.”

Craig Cooper of Positive Life NSW also welcome the results of the study.

“People with HIV welcome the latest results from the PARTNER study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. These results contribute to a growing body of evidence, which further reduces the anxiety and fear that people with HIV have about transmitting the virus to their HIV-negative lovers and fuck buddies. By decreasing shame associated with HIV, this will directly impact on HIV stigma,” Cooper said.

Although 11 people became HIV positive during the study, none of these infections were linked to the positive partner. Most people reported having sex without condoms with people outside the main relationship.

Researchers say the study indicates there may truly be zero risk of transmitting HIV where the person living with HIV is on anti-retroviral therapy and has an undetectable viral load, which justifies current Treatment as Prevention strategies.

“Over the past few years, treatment as prevention has been increasingly shown to be a very real means by which transmission of the virus can be seriously reduced, and the results of the PARTNER study will play a significant role in the continued promotion of early and continued treatment of people living with HIV within sero-discordant relationships,” Parkhill said.

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