NMAC launches new campaign to fight proposed federal budget cuts to vital HIV services

Today, NMAC Launches “Save Our Services,” an innovative campaign created to empower Americans across the country in fighting the proposed federal budget cuts that would cause severe harm to vital HIV treatment and prevention services.

SOS will enlist the advocacy of community volunteers to contact their representatives in Congress both in their home offices during the August recess and on Capitol Hill for the official “HIV/STD Action Day” on Sept. 6. This Day of Action will precede the opening of NMAC’s annual U.S. Conference on AIDS, which will run from Sept. 7 – 10. More information about “Save Our Services” can be found at nmac.org/sos.

“We are at a critical point in the fight against HIV/AIDS. The real possibility of ending the epidemic is in sight but only if we continue to use and fund the current tools we already have.,” said Paul Kawata, Executive Director of NMAC. “Through methods like Treatment as Prevention and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis, we have seen drastic reductions in new infections around the country. But that progress is threatened by the cuts proposed by this Administration to HIV/AIDS services. These cuts could lead to a resurgence of HIV in America just as we have found a path to potentially end it.

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