Global Fund seeks $15 billion to control three big killers

(Reuters) – The world’s biggest funder of the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria said on Thursday it needs $15 billion over the next three years to begin bringing “the three big global pandemics” under control.

In a report released ahead of a pledging conference later this year, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria said timely investments could avert $47 billion in extra treatment costs and save millions of lives, but warned that acting too late would mean missing important opportunities.

“The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action, from both a moral and an economic perspective,” Joanne Carter, head of the RESULTS Educational Fund in the United States and a former Global Fund board member, told reporters.

“We are at the tipping point in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. If we invest ambitiously now we can save millions of lives and literally defeat these diseases in our lifetime.”

The public-private Global Fund, based in Geneva, accounts for around a quarter of international financing to fight HIV and AIDS, and the majority of global funds to fight TB and malaria.

Founded in 2002, the fund raises money from donors every three years and in 2010 secured just under $12 billion for the years 2011 to 2013.

Kate Kelland
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