Delegates from NCAIDS/China CDC are at BC-CfE discussing Treatment as Prevention strategies

“Ming Pao” China disease prevention and control center, a row of six researchers visited for the first time yesterday, British Columbia Centre for excellence on HIV/AIDS research (called BC-CFE), began a two-day Exchange tour, further study of this province, “treatment as prevention (Treatment as Prevention)” method of fighting AIDS. BC-CFE Director, Montana (Julio Montaner) expressed the hope that the national Federal Government as soon as possible, considering the national promotion “treatment as prevention” model.

Led for the first time visited the provincial Center for disease prevention and control researcher, venereal disease and AIDS prevention and control center Mi Guodong, Deputy Director of the Office, says Dr 2011, China announced the implementation of “made in British Columbia” and “treatment as prevention” to battle against AIDS, AIDS is the world’s first BC mode as a nationwide policy of the country. In November 2013, China signed with Premier Christy Clark “treatment as prevention” to battle against AIDS in China to implement the memorandum of understanding established a 3-year cooperation project of HIV/AIDS, China will send every year?? And 3 medical workers to study in the province in the field of AIDS research, joint research.

Mi Guodong stressed, China currently has over 780,000 people carrying AIDS HIV, average annually new confirmed AIDS people for 26,000 people, in introduced “treatment like prevention” AIDS against method Hou, Government average annually inputs 3 billion Yuan Yuan for patients provides free diagnosis, and education, and treatment, and drug, in couples two people has a people infection AIDS of General family in the, has will AIDS again diffusion, and again infection and the to next generation spread chances reduced to 10% following, has efficiency Super 60%.

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華專家卑詩取經 防治愛滋

【明報專訊】中國疾病預防控制中心一行六名研究人員昨日首次到訪卑詩省愛滋病毒/愛滋病卓越研究中心(簡稱BC-CFE),開始為期兩日的交流行程,進一步學習本省「治療如同預防(Treatment as Prevention)」的對抗愛滋病方法。BC-CFE總監蒙塔納(Julio Montaner)表示,希望本國聯邦政府盡快考慮在全國範圍內推廣「治療如同預防」模式。



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