Carnegie Community Centre to mark World AIDS Day 2017 with 12 hours of speakers and discussion

Come for the free food and stay for an impressive list of guests

In the early 1990s, John Cameron was unemployed and struggling with a case of depression that he fell into after he was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Then a friend named Alicia Mercurio encouraged him to get involved in the community and help coordinating events for World AIDS Day 1994.

Cameron reluctantly agreed. And now, all these years later, he finds himself organizing the largest series of community events for World AIDS Day in Canada.

“We see at least 2,000 people walk through over 13 hours,” Cameron told the Georgia Straight.

The director of the DTES HIV/IDU Consumers Board said that today B.C. has a lot to be proud of when it comes to fighting HIV/AIDS. So much, in fact, that the condition has become mostly manageable for patients who are treated in B.C.’s health-care system. Cameron said that’s led the annual event to branch out a bit. This year, it will also touch on hepatitis infections and the overdose epidemic.

The series of events happens this Friday (December 1) at the Carnegie Community Centre at the intersection of Main and East Hastings streets. It scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and will run until 9:30 p.m.

The list of speakers is long and impressive. There are also screenings of short films and free food all day. Vancouver Coastal Health will have staff there offering free tests for HIV in the morning and tests for hepatitis in the afternoon. At noon, there will be a memorial for AIDS victims. In addition, more than 40 information booths will also be set up throughout the building.

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