$1.59 million distributed across the north to support community based HIV/HCV initiatives

As part of the Provincial STOP HIV/AIDS initiative, Northern Health has completed a process to award $1.59 million to eight (8) agencies in communities across the north, plus 23 First Nations communities. The funding will build on previous work that has been established which includes a strong network of services across the north.

“BC is a world leader in HIV prevention, testing and treatment and it is thanks to this work with our partners that what was once a life-threatening disease is now a manageable illness,” said Health Minister Terry Lake. “It is great news that this funding will help to expand the work of the STOP HIV/AIDS program and provide HIV education, awareness and supports throughout the north.”

The funding provided to support community agencies and First Nations health organizations will support services that will reach residents in eight (8) northern communities, and twenty-three (23) First Nations communities.

“We are fortunate to have a Government who supports our made-in-BC Treatment as Prevention strategy”, said Dr. Julio Montaner director, BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. “STOP HIV/AIDS is an important initiative of the TasP strategy, which reaches out, offers HIV testing, treatment and sustainment in care.”

Community-based services will be provided in:

  • Prince George, Smithers and Dawson Creek where previously contracted service providers, Positive Living North and Central Interior Native Health Society will continue or expand their services;
  • Southside Health & Wellness Centre will provide testing, treatment and outreach in the Burns lake area and in surrounding First Nations communities;
  • The Fort Nelson Aboriginal Friendship Society will distribute and recover harm reduction supplies, and will deliver prevention education in and around Fort Nelson;
  • The Gitxsan Health Society will distribute and recover harm reduction supplies, promote and provide testing, and support those living with HIV or HCV in and around Hazleton;
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Canada Post has provided notification of restarting their operations on December 17, 2024. As Canada Post ramps up and stabilizes their services, the BC-CfE will continue the following measures on an interim basis to minimize service disruption to BC-CfE clients and providers.

  • The BC-CfE Laboratory will utilize private courier for delivery of outgoing reports and documents. (Lab Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8775; FAX 604-806-9463)
  • The BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program (DTP) will fax outgoing forms and documents to the provider’s office. (DTP Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8515; FAX 604-806-9044)
  • St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy will utilize private courier for delivery of medications. (Contact Information: Phone 1-800-547-3622; FAX 604-806-8675)