Statement of Condolence on the tragic crash of flight MH17 and loss of Dr. Joep Lange

The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is shocked and saddened at the tragic news of the crash of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17, we offer our thoughts and prayers to the families and friends whose loved ones died on this flight. We are particularily stricken by the loss of our friend and colleague, Dutch HIV and AIDS Scientist Dr. Joep Lange and other attendees to the International AIDS Society’s 20th Annual conference in Melbourne, Australia.

“This is not only a huge loss for HIV and AIDS research, Joep was a dear friend, an esteemed colleague, a mentor, a leader and a hero in the field of Global Health, well beyond HIV and AIDS, says Dr. Julio Montaner, Director of the BC-CfE, Chair in AIDS Research and Head of Division of AIDS in the Faculty of Medicine at UBC.”We collaborated closely for many years in the global fight against HIV and AIDS. His research and his friendship will be deeply missed.” Dr. Montaner and Dr. Lange both served as IAS Presidents.

Photo of Dr. Joep Lange

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