Healthcare Resources

The BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS is Canada's largest HIV/AIDS research, treatment and education organization. Many of our efforts are aimed at expanding and improving HIV/AIDS clinical care and treatment through innovative research and personalized learning programs.

In this section you will find a collection of resources available on our website that might be of particular interest to Healthcare Professionals. This listing includes up-to-date treatment resources, documents and forms, and current educational opportunities & events.

BC HIV/AIDS and Addictions Health Care Resources

This pdf provides links to other Internet sites for informational purposes and the convenience of its users.

Patient Information Sheet for Drug Treatment Program Participants

This sheet is to be provided to the patient or his/her guardian at the time of Drug Treatment Program enrolment

Therapeutic Guidelines

Become more actively involved in all aspects of prescribing and monitoring antiretroviral drug regimens for their patients.

HIV/AIDS drugs available through the BC-CfE

A list of antiretrovirals and other select medications available through the BC-CfE’s HIV Treatment Program

How to Obtain HIV Medications in BC

In British Columbia, antiretroviral medications and other drugs for management of HIV are provided at no cost to medically eligible persons through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) Drug Treatment Program.

HIV Drug Treatment Program Enrolment form

Completion of this form is required only ONCE for each patient at the time of initial enrolment in the HIV Drug Treatment Program.

HIV/AIDS Prescription Request Form

Paper copies of the form may be requested from the BC-CfE HIV Drug Treatment Program. For information on how to use this form, and to learn about program eligibility, enrolment, and obtaining HIV medication in BC see "How to Obtain HIV Medications in BC"

HIV Medication Information Sheets

Intended to provide a general overview of the antiretroviral drugs available through the BC-CfE’s Drug Treatment Program.

BC-CfE Laboratory Requisition Forms

Please ensure that each specimen submitted for testing is fully labeled and the accompanying requisition is completed in full.

Drug Toxicities & Safety Alerts

Antiretroviral drug safety alerts and considerations.

Video Archives of Lectures and Events

List of video Webinars, BC-CfE Updates, Hope to Health Continuing Education, etc.

Find an HIV testing location in BC

Head over to to find clinics and testing sites.

Drug Treatment Programs

In British Columbia, antiretroviral medications, and other select drugs for the management of HIV and related conditions, are provided at no cost to medically eligible individuals through the BC-CfE's Drug Treatment Programs

Resources for Community Pharmacists

Here you will find several pdf resources such as quick reference guides, flow sheets, forms, etc.

HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

In British Columbia, HIV PrEP is available through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) Drug Treatment Program at no cost to qualifying patients deemed clinically at risk of HIV infection

BC-CfE Resources for Providers (Poster)

Download the latest pdf poster for Healthcare Providers