The Data Effect: Our 21st Century Opportunity

Data continues to emerge as one of the most important topics — and key opportunities — in health care and research systems around the world. The Data Effect: Vancouver prompted serious media, government and private sector dialogue in June, as you can see from the links below. The Data Effect will continue in Toronto on October 19 at the MaRS Discovery District.

Join 300 of your peers for a high-level, results-oriented exploration of the partnerships and policies that will protect privacy and maximize our data resources for the public good.

BC-CfE Director Dr. Julio Montaner will also be speaking at this event. Dr. Montaner has led the development of a new method of HIV treatment that effectively eliminates the potential of transmission among patients – and is saving lives. We can eliminate HIV/AIDS from the world, and we can do it within a generation. Join us at The Data Effect, and learn why data matters in this fight.

You can learn more at, including the agenda for the event. Follow @CityAge on twitter for continuous news and agenda updates. If you have any ideas to contribute, please contact

Here are some of the outcomes of The Data Effect in Vancouver, an inaugural event that brought together 250 people from across Canada and North America:

BC Privacy Commissioner Elizabeth Denham followed up on The Data Effect with a Roundtable Discussion on Access to Data for Health Research. Here’s her report on that discussion.

BC MLA Colin Hansen also wrote a report Summarizing The Data Effect.


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