Overview of UN Activities on HIV/AIDS and Transnational Organized Crime

By: Ali Nadaf, PhD Candidate

There is a lack of information on HIV-AIDS, transnational criminal markets and trends. The few studies that exist have looked at sections of these problems, by sector or country, rather than the big picture. Without a global perspective, there cannot be evidence-based policy. The UN is the only organization capable of collecting this information from its member countries in the most inclusive manner. UNODC and UNAIDS were established to assist the UN in better addressing a coordinated, comprehensive response to the interrelated issues of illicit trafficking in and abuse of drugs, crime prevention, human trafficking, criminal justice, international terrorism, HIV/AIDS and corruption. For this purpose, three primary functions are performed: research, guidance, and support to governments. In this presentation, the current global HIV/AIDS status, criminal markets and trends will be described and the UN efforts to combat these issues and improve the current situation will be analyzed and discussed.

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