HPV-Associated Disease in MSM: A review of the evidence

Dr. Troy Grennan, MD
Physician Lead, HIV/STI Program, Clinical Prevention Services, BC Centre for Disease Control

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A light lunch will be served

The Forefront Lectures are accredited for 1.0 Mainpro-M1 credit (College of Family Physicians of Canada)

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Dr. Troy Grennan is the Physician Lead for the Provincial HIV/STI Program at the BC Centre for Disease Control. Prior to his arrival in BC, he completed training in internal medicine, infectious diseases and medical microbiology, graduate work in clinical epidemiology and a postdoctoral research fellowship at McMaster University and the University of Toronto. Dr. Grennan’s clinical and research interests focus on HIV, STIs, and HPV-associated disease, with a focus on men who have sex with men (MSM). He is currently a co-principal investigator on a large, CIHR-funded team grant examining the management of HPV in MSM, and also works in the anal dysplasia clinic at St Paul’s Hospital.

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