HIV Care Round | How to optimize HIV patients bone health a multidisciplinary approach

Speaker’s Bio:

Dr. Silvia Guillemi has been fully engaged in the management of HIV-positive patients since 1999. She is a committee member of the BC Therapeutic Guidelines and the Primary Care Guidelines for the Management of HIV/AIDS, and is actively involved in the development of other programs related to the care of HIV patients. In clinical research, Dr Guillemi’s areas of interest include co-morbidities in HIV (osteoporosis, metabolic disorders, neurocognitive impairment and others) as well as antiretroviral management.

Kerry Maxwell graduated from the University of Queensland in Australia in 1988. Her major focus since graduation has been orthopaedic and sports injury rehabilitation, but she also has extensive training and certification in ergonomics and functional evaluation. In addition, in 2004, Kerry was certified in Gunn IMS (intramuscular stimulation) and since this time has worked significantly with chronic pain patients. Kerry has owned Burrard Physiotherapy since 2004 and has continued to drive the high standard of care.

Lynda Lawrence is a UK trained physiotherapist (Bristol, 1983) with extensive clinical experience and post-graduate education in orthopaedics, Women’s Health issues and pelvic floor rehabilitation for both women and men. She is a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy, and a certified Gunn IMS (intra-muscular stimulation) Practitioner. Lynda’s treatment approach uses a combination of manual therapy, Gunn IMS, exercise therapy, pain management techniques, Real Time Ultrasound Imaging (evaluation and biofeedback for the abdominals and lumbo-pelvic area) and postural advice. She encourages participation in appropriate home exercises in conjunction with treatment to achieve improved function. Lynda maintains a keen interest in the physiotherapy profession; is a member of the Women’s Health physiotherapy interest group and is involved with committees at the College of Physical Therapists of BC. She enjoys leading an active lifestyle in particular: playing field hockey, yoga, running (completed both 10km and half marathons), biking and exploring the BC outdoors with her family.

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