


Hepatitis C and HIV in Substance Users: Economics of Screening and Linkage to Care

Dr. Bruce R. Schackman, PhD, MBA
Saul P. Steinberg Distinguished Professor of Healthcare Policy & Research,
Director, Center for Health Economics of Treatment Interventions for Substance Use Disorder, HCV and HIV (CHERISH)

This is a free lecture and is open to the public. The lectures are geared towards researchers, clinicians, students and hospital staff.
A light lunch will be served

Eventbrite - Forefront Lectures

For more information, please contact / local 66255

Dr. Bruce Schackman is the Saul P. Steinberg Distinguished Professor of Healthcare Policy & Research at Weill Cornell, where he conducts economic evaluations of the comparative effectiveness of health interventions alongside clinical trials and cohort studies, cost-effectiveness and comparative effectiveness simulation modeling studies, and implementation science studies-particularly relating to treatment of infectious diseases and substance use disorders. His current research includes economic evaluations of HIV and hepatitis C screening and treatment in substance use treatment settings, and economic evaluations of medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder.

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