Forefront Lecture by Dr. Marianne Jauncey

On Wednesday, April 17th, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Forefront Lecture Series will be presenting a lecture by Dr. Marianne Jauncey titled “Reflections on Sydney’s Supervised Injecting Centre – History, Politics, and Where to Go From Here”.

Dr. Marianne Jauncey was appointed to the position of Medical Director at the Sydney Medically Supervised Injecting Centre in August 2008. Dr. Jauncey is a Public Health Physician and has worked in the drug and alcohol field since the late 1990s. She previously worked as a drug and alcohol doctor in Kings Cross, having spent four years at he Kirketon Road Centre where the primary focus is injecting drug users, sex workers and youth at risk. Her particular research interests include decreasing access to hepatitis C treatment for injecting drug users, drug overdose, and the physiological changes that occur after drug injection.

The talk will take place at 12pm in the Large Lecture Theatre (SPH 1477) at St. Paul’s Hospital.

A light lunch and refreshments will be served. We hope you can join us.

For more information, please contact Cameron Collins at 604-682-2344, Ext. 66357

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