Forefront Lecture by Dr. Bohdan Nosyk

On Tuesday, October 30th, the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS Forefront Lecture Series will be presenting a special lecture by Dr. Bohdan Nosyk titled “Cost-effective Integration of HIV Care in Opioid Substitution Treatment”.

Dr. Noysk is a Health Economist and researcher with the BC-CfE and a leading expert in the statistical and mathematical modelling required for economic evaluations of health programs. Having earned his PhD in epidemiology and Master’s degree in economics, Bohdan is uniquely positioned to evaluate the financial sustainability of health programs and technologies to help yield health benefits that are effectual, yet cost-effective. His focus lies in evaluating HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs with the BC-CfE, and he has previously evaluated several large scale intervention programs across North America, including the BC Methadone Maintenance Treatment Outcome Study and the North American Opiate Medication Initiative. Dr. Nosyk’s work is highly regarded, attracting a number of awards and grants including the esteemed CIHR Bisby Fellowship Prize.

The presentation will take place at 12pm in the BC-CfE Conference Room at St. Paul’s Hospital. *Please note that this lecture is taking place in the BC-CfE Conference Room on the 6th Floor of the Burrard building of St. Paul’s Hospital*

A light lunch and refreshments will be served.

For more information, please contact Cameron Collins at 604-682-2344, Ext. 66357.

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