Dr. Pouya Azar lecture “This is your brain on pot: The impact of marijuana use on the developing brain”

The Urban Health Research Initiative is pleased to co-host What’s New in Addiction Medicine?

This free lunch-time series features local and international experts, clinicians, and researchers who deliver the latest research and information on novel, evidence-based addiction medicine topics. The lectures are geared towards the needs and interests of individuals operating in a healthcare or research setting; however, the public and other interested stakeholders are welcome and encouraged to attend.

On Thursday March 27 at 12pm join us for a lecture by Dr. Pouya Azar entitled “This is your brain on pot: The impact of marijuana use on the developing brain”

The lecture will run between 12:00 and 12:55pm in the St. Paul’s Hospital Hurlburt Auditorium and include a light lunch. The events are free, however RSVPs are essential to ensure sufficient food and space.

To RSVP for Dr. Azar’s lecture on adolescent marijuana use, please click here.

If you have any questions about event logistics, contact Cameron Collins (ccollins@cfenet.ubc.ca).

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