BC-CfE Celebrates 30 Years of Excellence: Chapter 5 | Building from Treatment as Prevention – Where does HIV research and care go from here?

Cost: Free registration.


Kate Salters, PhD, MPH (she/her)

Research Scientist, Epidemiology & Population Health
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Please register for the webinar by clicking the following link:

click here.

*Please note this webinar will be recorded and a copy made available for viewing on BC-CfE’s Education and Training website at: education.bccfe.ca/webinars

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact BC-CfE’s Education and Training team at: education@bccfe.ca.


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Canada Post has provided notification of restarting their operations on December 17, 2024. As Canada Post ramps up and stabilizes their services, the BC-CfE will continue the following measures on an interim basis to minimize service disruption to BC-CfE clients and providers.

  • The BC-CfE Laboratory will utilize private courier for delivery of outgoing reports and documents. (Lab Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8775; FAX 604-806-9463)
  • The BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program (DTP) will fax outgoing forms and documents to the provider’s office. (DTP Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8515; FAX 604-806-9044)
  • St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy will utilize private courier for delivery of medications. (Contact Information: Phone 1-800-547-3622; FAX 604-806-8675)