An Update on the BC-CfE HIV Prevention and Treatment Guidelines and Training Programs

An Update on the BC-CfE HIV Prevention and Treatment Guidelines and Training Programs Webinar Main Objectives:

  1. To provide an update regarding the BC-CfE Guidelines for PEP and PrEP
  2. To provide an update on Therapeutic Guidelines for ARV treatment of Adult HIV infection and drugs available through the BC-CfE
  3. To provide an update on educational online courses and Training for Nurse Practitioners in British Columbia

The webinar will include presentations from:

Marianne Harris MD, CCFP
Clinical Trials Physician
BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS

Junine Toy, Pharm D
Senior Manager, BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, St. Paul’s Hospital

Silvia A Guillemi MD
Clinical Professor Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia
BC-CfE Director of Clinical Education

Cost: Free registration.

Presentations will be followed by a question and answer period where participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and receive real time responses from presenters.

Click to Register

This event will be accredited, and attendees may receive a certificate upon attendance and request.

If you are unable to attend the live webinar it will be recorded and available for viewing on BC-CfE’s Education and Training website at

Event Details

Start Date
End Date
Event Category
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