A Family Centered Approach to Substance Use in Alberta

In Alberta – as well as across Canada – bereaved parents and family members are at the forefront of public discussions on the urgent public health issue of opioid misuse and overdose deaths. By sharing their personal stories, they are challenging the social stigma of illicit drug use and addiction, and are contributing a much needed family-based perspective to public understandings of substance misuse.

You are invited to attend a Campus Alberta and CRISM (Prairie Node) funded forum focused on finding ways to leverage the wisdom and experience of families to mitigate the province’s overdose epidemic. This forum is organized in partnership with mumsDU and MomsStoptheHarm and will bring together families, frontline healthcare providers, policymakers, researchers and other stakeholders to identify strategies for involving families in Alberta’s overdose response.

What: “A Family-Centered Approach to Substance Use in Alberta” – Public panel discussion featuring:

Petra Schulz (Moms Stop The Harm)

Donna May (mumsDU, Toronto)

Jennifer Woodside (mumsDU, Vancouver)

Dr. Hakique Virani, Addiction Medicine and Public Health Specialist, Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Alberta

Karen Turner, President, Alberta Addicts Who Educate and Advocate Responsibly (AAWEAR)

Dr. Elaine Hyshka, School of Public Health, Moderator

When:  March 9, 2017


Where: University of Alberta (Main Campus), Edmonton Clinic Health Academy (ECHA Building), Lecture Hall 2-490

Livestream Link: If you are unable to join us in person, please feel free to click on the following link for our livestreaming option: https://connect.srv.ualberta.ca/r8ubipr195j/

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