
How can we meet the distinct health needs of individuals aging with HIV?

Today is HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day, a day to honour individuals who are aging with HIV. While most British Columbians were busy saving for retirement, people living with HIV in the 1980s and early 1990s had limited treatment options. They were being advised to dispose of all assets and get their affairs in order. Some survived the development of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) towards the late 1990s and lived on, perhaps left with few financial resources.

How can we meet the distinct health needs of individuals aging with HIV? Read More »

Furthering the use of research evidence: 18 teams funded in 2018 MSHRF Reach competition!

This year, MSFHR is delighted to co-fund three Reach awards in partnership with the BC-CfE. Based at Simon Fraser University, University of Victoria and University of British Columbia’s Stigma & Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, these awards are focused on supporting sexual health in women living with HIV and LGBTQ youth, and helping people living with HIV navigate the housing system in BC.

Furthering the use of research evidence: 18 teams funded in 2018 MSHRF Reach competition! Read More »

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM

Gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent over half of people living with HIV in Canada, so this community stands to benefit from using TasP¨ as a highly effective strategy for HIV prevention.

Research Update: Canadian study shows changes in attitudes about treatment as prevention among HIV-positive and HIV-negative MSM Read More »

New training program announced for nurse practitioners

The BC-CfE announces a new training program to support BC nurse practitioners to prescribe antiretrovirals (ARVs) for HIV prevention and treatment, as part of the Treatment as Prevention¨ strategy. Thenovel educational and training program will provide nurse practitioners with competencies to prescribe antiretrovirals for HIV treatment and prevention.

New training program announced for nurse practitioners Read More »

Patients share their experiences with hepatitis C treatment for Per-SVR study

Through its Per-SVR study (pronounced “persevere”) the BC-CfE is conducting important research todetermine thresholds of prevention methods, such as harm reduction and safer sexual practices, to prevent hepatitis C reinfection among key populations. Per-SVR is a multi-year study observing people who have been successfully treated for hepatitis C virus (HCV) with direct acting antiretrovirals (DAAs).

Patients share their experiences with hepatitis C treatment for Per-SVR study Read More »

Recent studies of drug use among gay and bi community counter gateway drug theory

The ‘gateway’ drug theory is a commonly known concept that psychoactive drugs, such as marijuana, can lead to further drug use and to the use of substances that may be more illicit, addictive or harmful. Two studies from the Momentum Health Study indicate that this theory may not paint the whole picture and other factors, such as identity and employment, can determine drug use patterns.

Recent studies of drug use among gay and bi community counter gateway drug theory Read More »

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