
BC-CfE researches understudied gbMSM subgroup’s cardiovascular health

A BC-CfE-led team of interdisciplinary researchers recently published their work in the Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality examining the cardiovascular health of an understudied subgroup among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (gbMSM)-“Assessing Bear/Cub/Otter identity and history of cardiovascular disease among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men in Metro Vancouver

BC-CfE researches understudied gbMSM subgroup’s cardiovascular health Read More »

BC-CfE research provides real-world data on efficacy of generic cART

First introduced in the mid-1990s through the pioneering work of BC-CfE Executive Director and Physician-in-Chief Dr. Julio Montaner, combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is a pillar of the Treatment as Prevention¨ strategy that has enabled people living with HIV to live longer and healthier lives and has dramatically reduced the risk of HIV transmission.

BC-CfE research provides real-world data on efficacy of generic cART Read More »

BC-CfE research on coronavirus evolution helps in vaccine design and deepens understanding of viral mutations

The BC-CfE continues to lead the way in COVID-19 research, with the latest published research on the topic coming from the Centre’s Molecular Epidemiology and Evolutionary Genetics Group.

The paper, which features contributions from almost all members of the group, focuses on evolutionary patterns among coronaviruses that have jumped from animal hosts into humans and is titled “Variable routes to genomic and host adaptation among coronaviruses“.

BC-CfE research on coronavirus evolution helps in vaccine design and deepens understanding of viral mutations Read More »

BC-CfE researchers collaborate to determine impact of COVID-19 vaccines in residents of long-term care facilities in BC

BC-CfE researchers are working alongside colleagues from the University of British Columbia, Providence Health Care, and Simon Fraser University to investigate how elderly peoples’ immune systems respond to COVID-19 vaccines. The researchers will also assess the viral, immunological and social factors that have contributed to COVID-19 outbreaks in long-term care facilities in order to better understand why and how the disease has been fatal to so many residents.

BC-CfE researchers collaborate to determine impact of COVID-19 vaccines in residents of long-term care facilities in BC Read More »

BC-CfE researchers examine aging and comorbidities in people living with HIV

Thanks to the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the 1990s and the BC-CfE’s Treatment as Prevention¨ strategy, people living with HIV (PLWH) in BC are now able to live longer lives. With an increased lifespan, morbidity and mortality from non-AIDS comorbidities have emerged as major concerns.

BC-CfE researchers examine aging and comorbidities in people living with HIV Read More »

BC-CfE’s COAST Study hosts Café Scientifique event on climate change and mental health

The BC-CfE COAST team invites you to an exciting virtual Café Scientifique titled “Climate Impacts on the Mental Health and Wellness of British Columbians” on February 1st, 2021. This event represents a collaboration between the BC-CfE, the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University and the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, and has been generously funded by the Pacific Institute of Climate Solutions.

BC-CfE’s COAST Study hosts Café Scientifique event on climate change and mental health Read More »

Teams from across BC join the BOOST QI Network Annual Congress virtually

The Best-practices in Oral Opioid AgoniSt Therapy (BOOST) Annual Congress was held last month amidst the dual public health emergencies of the COVID-19 pandemic and the opioid overdose crisis. Presenters at the congress shared how their teams are adapting their practices for the pandemic, how healthcare teams can better integrate the voices of families of those with opioid use disorder (OUD), and also shared ideas on how to support and improve retention for clients on opioid agonist therapy (OAT).

Teams from across BC join the BOOST QI Network Annual Congress virtually Read More »

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