
BC’s success story shows strength of Treatment as Prevention

On December 1st we celebrate World AIDS Day, an opportunity to reflect on our challenges and successes four decades into the battle against HIV/AIDS. Around the world there are nearly 38 million people living with HIV and about 1.5 million new infections per year. A recent report by the World Health Organization estimates the number of people with the virus being treated with antiretrovirals had risen to 27.5 million – an increase of almost 10% over the last year. Encouraging but not enough.

BC’s success story shows strength of Treatment as Prevention Read More »

BC-CfE researchers examine a novel antiviral compound discovery

Dr. Peter Cheung, a staff scientist in the BC-CfE laboratory, recently published a paper as a co-first author on the topic of a novel antiviral compound discovery.Dr. Cheung worked with researchers at the University of BC and the University of Toronto to characterize chemical compounds that inhibit HIV in novel ways compared to antiretroviral agents currently used. Specifically, the molecules discussed in the paper “2-Trifluoromethylthiazole-5-carboxamides: Analogues of a Stilbene-Based Anti-HIV Agent that Impact HIV mRNA Processing” impact the processing and production of mRNA “messages” that instruct a cell to make proteins.

BC-CfE researchers examine a novel antiviral compound discovery Read More »

BC-CfE research advances understanding of dynamics within HIV transmission clusters

Understanding the dynamics within HIV transmission clusters is critical information that can help prioritize public health resource allocation. Although HIV sequence clustering is routinely used to identify subpopulations experiencing elevated transmission, there’s a risk of over-simplifying transmission dynamics within clusters as well as the risk that clustering methodology influences outcomes.

BC-CfE research advances understanding of dynamics within HIV transmission clusters Read More »

Change of Leadership for BC-CfE’s Clinical Education and Training Program

The BC-CfE’s Clinical Education and Training Program recently saw a change in leadership from Dr. Silvia Guillemi, who started leading the program when it began back in 2011, to Dr. Val Montessori. Dr. Montessori has multiple roles, as she will be leading the Clinical Education and Training Program while also serving as the Head of the Division of Infectious Diseases at St. Paul’s Hospital and as the Co-chair of the Committee for Drug Evaluation and Therapy. Dr. Montessori also works as a Clinical Associate professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University of British Columbia. The Clinical Education and Training Program was designed to provide learning opportunities on the diagnosis, treatment, management and care of HIV/AIDS and related conditions through personalized learning programs.

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BC-CfE researchers examine HIV diagnoses rates among Indigenous peoples worldwide

BC-CfE researchers recently published a study comparing rates and trends of HIV diagnoses among Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, the USA, and New Zealand.

The study is titled “Rates of new HIV diagnoses among Indigenous Peoples in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States: 2009-2017” and the researchers used publicly available surveillance data to estimate the rate of HIV diagnoses per 100,000 people. Each of the four countries examined have passive population-based HIV surveillance programs.

BC-CfE researchers examine HIV diagnoses rates among Indigenous peoples worldwide Read More »

The BC-CfE Commemorates Canada’s First National Day of Truth and Reconciliation

The BC-CfE recognizes the unfathomable grief and loss Indigenous peoples and their families have suffered, and continue to suffer, through colonization and the residential school system. Accepting these challenging and difficult truths is an essential part of the journey of healing and reconciliation.

The BC-CfE Commemorates Canada’s First National Day of Truth and Reconciliation Read More »

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