
Inner City Medicine Review Debuts in Downtown Vancouver

Primary care physicians and nurse practitioners from over 20 clinics across Metro Vancouver converged on UBC’s Robson Square for the first Inner City Medicine Review last fall. The event was organized and hosted by the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (BC-CfE) and Vancouver Coastal Health’s (VCH) Department of Family and Community Practice to encourage sharing best practices in treating some of the most challenging conditions clients in the inner city present with in Vancouver clinics. These include opioid use disorder, psychosis, hepatitis C and COPD, among others.

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Positive Living BC’s Community Dental Clinic makes dental care accessible

The Positive Living Community Dental Clinic opened in February 2018 to ensure people living with HIV could access dental care in an inviting setting. Most importantly, the clinic people living with HIV with access to affordable dental care. Through a combination of donations and offsetting costs with paying patients, fees can be covered for those without available funds or health coverage.

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Power combo: Harm reduction plus effective treatment help prevent spread of Hepatitis C

Fifty-three year old Vancouver resident Sage Rinaldo lived with hepatitis C for many years before working up the courage to seek treatment. Rinaldo credits a community health nurse in the Downtown Eastside who gained her trust and helped her successfully treat her hepatitis C with a new anti-viral treatment. Now, Rinaldo is giving back by taking part in a long-term follow up study focussed on reinfection prevention. The Per-SVR study is aiming to better understand if, how and when hepatitis C reinfection may occur.

Power combo: Harm reduction plus effective treatment help prevent spread of Hepatitis C Read More »