UNAIDS Board calls for ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030

GENEVA, 4 July 2014-The 34th meeting of UNAIDS
Programme Coordinating Board has concluded in Geneva after three days of
discussions and debate. The importance of ensuring the inclusion of HIV
in the post-2015 sustainable development goals, ending the AIDS
epidemic by 2030 and social protection were topics high on the agenda.

During the meeting, the UNAIDS Board members recognized the value of
the lessons learned from the Joint Programme’s unique approach to
enhancing strategic coherence, coordination, results-based focus and
country-level impact. The Board also called on UNAIDS and United Nations
Member States to pursue a clear commitment in the post-2015 development
agenda to ending the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.
The Board stressed that ending the AIDS epidemic would be provisionally
defined as the reduction of new HIV infections, stigma and
discrimination experienced by people living with HIV and key
populations, and AIDS-related deaths by 90% compared to 2010 levels.

The Executive Director of UNAIDS, Michel SidibŽ presented his report
to the Board and encouraged Board members to develop new and
unconventional ways of thinking and approaches to end the AIDS epidemic
by 2030. “This is a singular opportunity to set an ambitious course that
will ensure that we have the political space and resources to get the
job done,” he said.

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