世界艾滋病权威专家之一、加拿大温哥华的医生Dr. Julio Montaner 表示,在加拿大,防范艾滋病毒/艾滋病(HIV / AIDS)的最佳途径是对每个人都进行艾滋病毒测试,无论其是否属于高危人群。
Julio Montaner 医生是BC省艾滋防治中心 ( Centre for Excellence in HIV and AIDS)的主任,他说,仅在BC一个省,平均每15000 感染者中,就有2000人不知道自己带病毒,而超过一半的新增病例是由不知自己带病毒的人传播造成的。
Julio Montaner 医生倡议加拿大其他省份也仿效BC省,全国开展定期”普查”。
Doctors in Vancouver: Canada should all detection AIDS
HIV/AIDS, one of the leading experts in the World Canada Vancouver doctor Dr. Julio Montaner, in Canada, to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS (HIV/AIDS) is the best way for HIV testing for everyone, regardless of their belonging to the high-risk groups.
Dr Julio Montaner is a BC provincial AIDS prevention and Control Center ( Centre for Excellence in HIV and AIDS) Director, he said, only in the province of BC, an average of 15000 people living with HIV, more than 2000 people don’t know viruses, while more than half of the new cases were caused by a wonder human spread of the virus.
Vancouver leads the way
Canada Broadcasting Corporation reported that HIV testing, Vancouver is Canada’s most advanced cities.
In 2011, the greater Vancouver area hospitals have launched free voluntary HIV testing, anyone who went to the hospital, will be able to conduct this test, Vancouver Island Hospital also is about to launch the test.
Last year, the province of BC announced, every five years, for all adult residents in the province provide a voluntary HIV/AIDS testing.
Dr Julio Montaner initiative Canada in other provinces like BC province, nationwide regularly “census.”
He said, this will not only help people living with HIV receive timely treatment, saving lives, and will help stop the spread of HIV and reduce spending on health care system in the treatment of AIDS.