Winning the Long War Against AIDS

Here’s the story of one Canadian doctor who has spent decades helping the medical world turn the tide on the HIV/AIDS pandemic.

In 1981, AIDS was first recognized as a new disease. Caused by the HIV virus, it first presented as a strange kind of pneumonia. Doctors soon realized that although the pneumonia was treatable, the destruction of the immune systems of AIDS patients meant that new complications were always waiting. Treating the symptoms alone only extended lives by weeks or months. The world watched as AIDS grew to a global pandemic.

Soon, researchers turned to treating the virus itself, instead of just the symptoms it caused. Controlling the HIV virus not only brought AIDS symptoms under control, but also drastically reduced its transmission. This new paradigm of treatment as prevention has reduced the global AIDS pandemic to a rare occurrence, and revolutionized the way we approach infectious diseases.

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Canada Post has provided notification of restarting their operations on December 17, 2024. As Canada Post ramps up and stabilizes their services, the BC-CfE will continue the following measures on an interim basis to minimize service disruption to BC-CfE clients and providers.

  • The BC-CfE Laboratory will utilize private courier for delivery of outgoing reports and documents. (Lab Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8775; FAX 604-806-9463)
  • The BC-CfE Drug Treatment Program (DTP) will fax outgoing forms and documents to the provider’s office. (DTP Contact Information: Phone 604-806-8515; FAX 604-806-9044)
  • St. Paul’s Hospital Ambulatory Pharmacy will utilize private courier for delivery of medications. (Contact Information: Phone 1-800-547-3622; FAX 604-806-8675)