BC-CfE hosts the 3rd International HIV Treatment as Prevention Workshop in Vancouver.

  • Dr. Richard Harrigan, Director of the Laboratory Program at BC-CfE, is awarded the Innovation and Achievement Award by LifeSciences BC for his industry-leading work in HIV clinical research.
  • BC-CfE UHRI publishes a study with the Thai AIDS Treatment Action Group (TTAG) and Thailand’s Mitsampan Community Research Project. The study found the Thai government’s longstanding war-on-drugs, involving the mass incarceration of people who use drugs, has failed to suppress the availability and use of illegal drugs in the country.
  • BC-CfE Research Laboratory is awarded a $5-million grant over four years by Genome Canada to develop new methods using DNA sequencing technologies. The research will address drug resistance and subsequent HIV treatment failure. The project goals are to introduce an improved HIV drug resistance test, implement real-time HIV drug resistance surveillance, and develop individualized treatment of HIV based on each patient’s unique DNA.
  • B.C. Health Minister Margaret MacDiarmid announces $1.5-million in funding to develop a strategy to address the Hepatitis B & C epidemic in BC. The strategy will be based on BC-CfE’s successful HIV Treatment as Prevention model.
  • Dr. Robert Hogg, Director of the Epidemiology and Population Health Program at BC-CfE, is named incoming president of the Canadian Association for HIV Research (CAHR).

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